Nov. 27, 2014
by Otis Lee Rodgers (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Death -N- Prison thumbnail
Death -N- Prison
(Oct. 4, 2014)


To Reply ID: 22wg

what's up my man in this land of the not so free? Received a copy of your comments on 11-7-14, albeit it appears your comments were noted on 10-12-14 and mailed on 10-21-14. The delay is that my change of slave address hasn't been changed.

My new slave plantation address:

Otis Lee Rodgers
BOX 2000
V02538 4107L
Vacaville, CA 95696

You speak: "We need to keep living for those who have passed away." Of course you know that statement makes no sense when the war of oppression and repression is upon us. I fully understand your sentiment, to say something comforting, a "feel-good" to someone such as myself in this most unfortunate, grievous predicament, this man made hell.

by dirty, filthy, cheating, lying, cowardly white racist scum (i.e. Ku Klux Klan prosecutor, Neo-Nazi judges)
RIP in martyrdom river, Mr. Otis Lee Odgers, Sr. A black nationalist hero.

As I lay here dead in this concrete and steel tomb, in the filthy white man's slave plantation, and I look up at the crazed white mad dogs—the slave keepers are an alien life form. The white racist guards have their family members toss up, whores, and barfliers.

You should see the silly bitches running around here get paid for sitting around gossiping all day. It may be sexist to complain moreso about a bunch of silly bitches living off of my misery, suffering, and death with not the same animus against the mad dogs. SWIS

This is the day/time of the bitch.

Besides being insecure, neurotic, and temperamental, they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. We are forced to educate them. Many have male issues and guess who suffers when they put on a badge and uniform? Black men.

Women guards play dirty as women do on the streets. Obviously, ya can't confront them as you would a racist male guard. Besides, most of the female guards are booty calls for the male guards. The guards hire their pussies and the silly bitches walk around arrogant, belligerent, bullying the prisoners. Realizing if she pushes the button, here, dicks will back her up.

Calhoun, enough of my trials under the lying dog-ass white man's Neo-Nazi boots. Slavery/slaves the addiction of defective racist whites. Truly many whites would commit suicide if they didn't have blocks to kill and oppress. Calhoun, we live in a sorry piece of shit nation. Units of snakes and slaves of AmeriKKKa, United Slaves of Hypocrisy.

Suicide should be an option for those condemned rather than death to long-termed enslavement. We all know that our police, courts, and prisons are based on racism: racist policies and practices. A suicide should be an option to all without its stigma of cowardice or the necessity of euthanasia.

The standard norm and conventional wisdom is that life is precious and to be revered. We all that to be a lie. Every day, since the beginning, wars are taking lives, pigs are gunning down black man every day, and racist prosecutors and judges are condemning black men to death for the long-termed. Goddamn those racist white mad dogs to hell. Human life has no value.

Death has historically and now, he has had to die to be free from the crazed white dogs. The black man seeks to finally and forever be free from white savages. Death thus far has been the black man's victory, his only way out in AmeriKKKA, his home.

As I lay here dead with slavery to provide jobs for retards and those silly talking bitches—then to hear these idiots speak of a God. What type of piece of shit God would allow this?


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