"My life is a game of strip poker. Want to play?"
- Ian McKellen from "Gods and Monsters"
Dear Reader, 05-13-15
Well, I'm in the hole again - although it's my first time here. This past Monday my cell was searched by SIS (investigative staff) thanks to my idiot cellie. This jerk is always writing stupid stuff on the outside of his envelopes he sends out like "Under Duress" or he spent over 2 weeks drawing out copies of [difficult to read] and then using red kool-aid to put his thumbprint on them, etc., etc. So, he gets pulled over by SIS leaving Chow on Monday & they go through his papers (that he was carrying) then they head to our cell to search it.
Unfortunately, I had taken some Super Glue that I brought for jewelry and of Hobby Crafts to mend a guy's kufi (Muslim hat) that was coming apart so I glued the strand of it. Well, I was going to take it back to Hobby Crafts at noon when I went to work, but they were in there searching already.
As a result, we both got locked in the Hole (together unfortunately) & were written a "[difficult to read" (incident report)...
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...for a Code 108, "Possession of a Hazardous Tool." WTF?? I think they were just looking for an excuse.
Anyways, I admitted to having it & why, so now we're supposed to get out tomorrow (Thurs.) & they said they'd expunge his [difficult to read] & drop mine to a Code 305, "Possession of Unauthorized Material," which is much less serious.
The point is, I wouldn't be here at all if it weren't for this jerk & all the stupid crap he does (an you believe when I first met him he told me that he had to be one of the smartest people I know, and yet, he insists that the Muslims of ISIS are really Jews, & he's just now getting his GED in his forties. Yeah, you're smart.
I really hope I don't lose my job over this.
This has also been a problem because I have a motion due in my criminal case on 5/21 & I've not done anything. I hate legal work & it depresses me. My case is completely wrong. The judge wrote on my plea agreement (wrong) that I was to wave any arguments for constitutional rights for a case that hadn't been decided yet (wrong). Plus, my former attorney testified in court that I was threatened with facing the death penalty if I didn't sign the plea (totally wrong).
OK, well we're out of the Hole now. It was a huge drama finding a cell 'cause nobody wants a "fag" in their cell. The Counselor should have never given our cell away since they knew we were coming out immediately.
Unfortunately we were put together in a cell again. I really want to get away from this guy, but can't find anywhere to move to. We were put in 2 different cells before the dust settled & 2 other guys were moved out of the cell we ended up in.
Lastly, when I went through my property, I was missing a lot of stuff. All my commissary was gone, most all of my hygiene/toiletry items were gone, plus I was missing many other things that can't be replaced 'cause they aren't sold here. I am out a lot of money over this & am so pissed.
Anyway, there're more details, but I don't want to bore anyone too much. It was overall a great deal of bullshit for nothing.
Love & Blessings,
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