Nov. 2, 2015


by Otis Lee Rodgers (author's profile)



"We" are at war - a race war of extinction of Afrikan Ameri-K's black males, adults, teens and children by cowardly white racist pigs - and there brain dead Uncle Tom stoogies. This war of genocide was formerly declared in 1986 by the corrupt United States Snakes of Ameri-KKK upon the Afrikan Ameri-Kan black man under the guise of war on drugs moving past the lunacy of a war on an inanimate object and the hypocrisy and facade of the race-neutrality of the law.

Black-males are "targeted" and the law is selectively enforced.

White-racism against the black man is a deadly virus that has survived 400 years in Ameri-K by adapting, adjusting and reinventing itself upon generation after generation. Most white males carry the deadly white racism - over -

Sandra-[marked out]-Alien at trial 6-26-03

Miss Deborah Lucky that you said that you saw the man strike the woman several times?

A. You could hear that he was hitting her. But that I saw? It was once.

Q. So he could have been hitting her several times?

A. I don't know.

Q. Do you recall making a statement that, "Each time I looked out the window the man was either punching the woman or holding a gun to her head threatening to kill her"?

A. I don't remember. I don't remember what I told that lady. I don't remember well. But the things that I have always said is that I saw the gun to her head.

Q. How many -- how many times did you look out the window?

A. I don't remember exactly.

Q. Did you say that -- did I hear you describe -- can you describe the woman? Is she short? Tall? Skinny? Heavyset?

A. She is not thin.

Q. She is not thin?

A. No. I don't remember.

Q. Is she tall? About your height? My height?

A. Shorter than him?

Q. She is shorter than I am?

A. Uh-huh.

Q. Okay. And she is not thin and shorter than I?

A. Yes.

Q. Okay. Do you recall describing a woman as "puerile"? Do you know what that means, "puerile"? And the woman pure -- do you know what that means?

Racist lying, stinking alien she didn't always say that see (RT 306: 7-8)

This isn't what you told 7th dispatch ho

SS-KKK-DDA king sat mute on his hands while his Messikan lied

Imagine KKK prosecutor Brian is now KKK prosecutor Brianne?

What was going on, anything of that nature?

A. Yes, yes.

Q. And what -- what did he do, if anything?

A. He would tell me to go to sleep, that -- that they were "just arguing." [bitch why didn't he see a gun?]

Q. Did you inform him that you were going to call the police?

A. Yes. After everything had happened, I had said, I am going to call the police." And he said, "That's fine."

Q. And do you still live with him? Does he still live with you at that house?

A. No. [Yeah right, he is an Amerikan citizen - he refused to lie and refuse to come to court RT-FF-26-24]

Q. And one last thing, Miss Rodriguez. You have said during your -- during your -- Mr. Rodgers' questioning of you, that you had seen him three times in court before today, or -- or was that including today?

A. With today.

Q. Okay. And that you had seen him one time prior to that, correct?

A. Yes.

Q. And that was the night of the incident?

A. Yes.

Q. And sitting here now, are you "100 percent sure" [the only black man in the white court room] that this is the man that you saw that night?

A. Yes.

Mr. King: Okay. Thank you. Nothing further, Your Honor.

The Court: Mr. Rodgers.

Stupid bitch. You killed me, you murdered me, I am dead! I am dead!

The alien's husband told her to take her cum-drenched ass to sleep - and stop lying

Her own husband told her to take her lying stinking self to sleep - contradicting her lies.

Francisco Rodriguez husband

KKK-DOA king by night his Messikan in court prior to trial [hard to read] be able to identify me at trial

This is what racist pigs do molest children

Riverside County Ku Klux Klan District Attorney

Bureau of Perjurers, Cheats, and Liars

Investigator's Report [racist liar]

Edward G. [marked out]

Report Made By: Sr. Investigator E.G. [marked out]

Date: October 3, 2001

Charge: 12021 P.C.

File No.: RIF098234

Defendant: Otis Rodgers

Complainant: State of Kalifornia-KKK

Witness: Celene

Victim: <> [Where is the victim?]

Also present during interview was the witnesses mother' Sandra Rodriguez

Interview conducted in both Spanish and English due to mother being Spanish speaker only.

[A six-year old child w court to] Celene is a female Hispanic 6 years of age witness.

On October 2, 2001, at approximately 1515 hours, I responded to the residence of Witness: Selene to conduct an interview. The following is a summary of the interview:

Prior to the start of the interview, I asked Witness Selene if she remember the incident from the night the man was yelling and then the police arrested him later on. Witness Selene, stated, "Yes," and gave the following account:

I was sleeping in my room and my sister Nelida also sleeps in the same room with me. My sister started shaking my arm to wake me up. I then woke up and I heard some yelling coming from outside my room. I was scared and my sister and I ran to my mother's room. As my sister and I were running towards my mother's room, my sister told me that there was a man yelling at a woman. As I got to my mother's room, I heard the man yelling bad words. The man was saying the "F" word.

I saw that my mom was looking out the window, the one by her bed and my father was standing by the other window looking outside. I was scared because the man was yelling bad words.

I stayed in my mother's room and then the police came and I heard my mother say something like they got the man. I then went back to my room to sleep. I didn't look out the window, but I remember my sister or my mother say, the man had a gun or something like that.

After former 21 year L.A.P.D. rampant scandal gansta screwed the child's nasty whore mother - he molested the child to come to court and lie to collaborators new Alien's mother's perjury - so she could get a VISA - of course the abused child is now 20 years old. Bear in mind these are not the victim, they are percipient witnesses -lock-a-loo. Looking out the window. The tiny little creature had to come to court and lie-commit perjury to kill a black man to save her tramp mother.

Only in white racist Ameri-KKK

Riverside County Ku Klux Klan District Attorney

Bureau of Scum

Investigator's Report [racist liar]

Edward G. [marked out]

E. G. [marked out]

Report Made By: Sr. Investigator E.G. [marked out]

Date: August 22, 2001

Charge: 12021 P.C.

File No.: RIF098234

Defendant: Rogers, Otis Lee

Complainant: State of Kalifornia

Witness: Nelida

Victim: ? Where is the fucking victim?

Witness Sanchez is a female Hispanic, 9 years of age [The abused child is now 23 years of age]

On August 22, 2001, at approximately 1220 hours, I responded to the residence of Witness Sanchez to conduct an interview in regards to an incident that occurred on July 15, 2001, at approximately 0230 hours.

The following is a summary of my interview:

Witness Sanchez stated she was sleeping in her room on the night of the incident. She woke up to the sound of loud yelling. She immediately woke her sister Selene and the two of them went to the window to look out.

Witness Sanchez stated when she looked outside towards the parking lot next to their house, she saw a Black man holding a gun in his hand and pointing it at a Black lady. The man was shouting out that he was going to kill her and he was using bad words like the "F" word. I got scared and my sister and I ran to my mom's room. The man was still yelling that he was going to kill the lady. I scared because I thought he was going to kill the lady because he was holding the gun to her head. My mom then call the police.

This is how desperate pieces of shit white people - these screw dumb stupid Alien and molest her children to come to court to commit perjury to kill a black man. What type of tramp whore would expose her tiny little Messikan children to testify w court, to lie about something that had nothing to do with her or them - what slim bucket cum-catcher would do that - for a VISA. You should have seen the tiny creatures w court. God damn that STD carry whore, God damn her gods, God damn that piece of shit Alien to hell.



Replies (2) Replies feed

Nade Posted 9 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
This message is for Otis Lee Rodgers. My name is Nade Ahmed and I am with a law firm called Olympia Law PC. I am contacting you because there was a property located at 6341 Johnson Ave, Long Beach, CA. There is approx $88K leftover in surplus funds that we are trying to disburse to you and your brother Chevel Rodgers. Can you please write to me and give me your address so I can mail you the paperwork for you to sign so we can release your funds?
My address is: Olympia Law PC, Attn: Nade Ahmed
2182 Dupont Dr, Suite 17
Irvine, CA. 92612. Phone #: 949-407-6204.

Thank you, Nade

Charlie. Posted 7 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 7 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
To Otis ; Hello this is Charliemay Clevel's daughter, we came across your page and he wanted to say hi.

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