May 25, 2016

Solve Transgender Bathroom Conflict

by Jennifer Johnson (author's profile)


Solve transgender bathroom conflict

I would like to address the transgender bathroom situation. Personally, I feel this whole situation has gotten out of control. People have the right to choose who they want to be. Is it right, that's not for us to judge. But however there needs to be an appropriate decision made in this matter. This doesn't have anything to do with discrimination. To me, that is going to the extreme. Let's talk about what is transgender.

Transgender is someone who was a male but now they are identified a female or was a female but now identified as male. Majority of them go through the whole process of having surgery to have their sex change. Some go as far as to take the hormone, get the breast implants or removed, but they don't through the process to get their male or female private part removed.

Here is the problem: It opens the door to a lot of deception that can hurt innocent people and children. Someone can be a transgender male but has a female private part. They can enter the male bathroom because they are identified as a male. This is the same for a transgender female but has a male private part. These individual, if they have a perverted mind, can rape or sodomize children or innocent citizens. This is an open door for sex offenders to victimize again. I really want everyone to think deeply about this. You can have a sex offender who looks like a man but am not a man, but he crossdress to get to his victim. And she is not a man or transgender. That goes the same for a male sex offender. He can do the same thing and enter into these public bathrooms. Does everyone see what I am saying? Sex offenders can use this to their advantage. I am not slamming the transgender because they are as important as everyone else. But the core of this subject is safety for our children and people in society. We are not trying to give sex offenders free access to harm people. The solution I came up with is why not build bathrooms for the transgenders. That is not discrimination. We have special bathroom stalls and parking spaces for handicap people. To me, that is accommodating these individual needs.

Written by
Jennifer Johnson


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Julia Posted 8 years, 9 months ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
Dear Jennifer Johnson,
in response to your article about transgender bathrooms, I want to quote an article that is about this sex offender fright: (Time magazine, june 2, title: Why LGBT Advocates Say Bathroom ‘Predators’ Argument Is a Red Herring)

It’s become a common refrain in recent months: Allowing transgender people to use the restroom that aligns with their gender identity will end up letting male sexual predators into women’s bathrooms. From North Carolina to South Dakota, supporters of controversial bills seeking to limit transgender people’s use of public restrooms have repeatedly made that argument. There is little hard evidence to back up this assertion, but LGBT advocates and other opponents of the bills have had to develop a number of counter-arguments to refute it.

Here’s a breakdown of their arguments.

Several states and major cities have supported transgender people’s bathroom access for years. There are more than a dozen states and several cities that have non-discrimination laws that protect gender identity in public accommodations, which is a legalistic way of saying transgender people can use whatever bathrooms they want in public. This is the kind of affirmation that started the whole controversy in North Carolina.

Fears about male predators have not been borne out in those places. New York City has banned discrimination based on gender identity for more than a decade. California has affirmed the rights of K-12 students to use the bathrooms and locker rooms that align with their gender identity for years. Advocates say that while there are some past examples of heterosexual men dressing up like women to gain access to women’s spaces, there’s no record of that behavior increasing when there’s an LGBT non-discrimination law on the books. “We have so many places that do prohibit discrimination where this has never come up,” says the Equality Federation’s Rebecca Isaacs. “This is a red herring.”

Police and school officials say they haven’t seen it either. Media Matters, a liberal media watchdog, has asked state leaders, law enforcement and school officials in places with these protections whether they’ve seen any increase in sexual assault or rape after passing these laws, and they have repeatedly said that they have not. “We have not seen that,” a Des Moines police department spokesman told the outlet in 2014. “I doubt that’s gonna encourage the behavior. If the behavior’s there, [sexual predators are] gonna behave as they’re gonna behave no matter what the laws are.”

Julia Posted 8 years, 9 months ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
The nation’s leading organizations dedicated to stopping violence against women signed a letter saying that this argument is a myth. “These initiatives utilize and perpetuate the myth that protecting transgender people’s access to restrooms and locker rooms endangers the safety or privacy of others,” the letter states. “As rape crisis centers, shelters, and other service providers who work each and every day to meet the needs of all survivors and reduce sexual assault and domestic violence throughout society, we speak from experience and expertise when we state that these claims are false.”

Sexual assault remains a crime no matter why someone claims they entered a women’s space. The predator argument is based on an assumption that men who prey on women will be inspired to dress as women and enter women’s spaces because they could falsely claim to be transgender and therefore allowed to stay. But, advocates emphasize, if a female alleges she was sexually assaulted, the gender identity of the perpetrator has no bearing on the criminality of the act. “If you are a man who dresses as a woman and goes into a bathroom and commits a crime,” says the Human Rights Campaign attorney Cathryn Oakley, “whether you have a non-discrimination protection on the basis of gender identity or not, that behavior is illegal and criminal and you could be arrested and go to jail.”

Similar “predator” arguments have been used and debunked in the past. “We are not the first people who have been called predators for political gain,” says Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality and a transgender woman. “Look most recently at Donald Trump saying Mexican immigrants were rapists. There’s a long, really horrifying history of demagogues and fundraisers saying, ‘Hey, those people over there, we have to hate them because we have to keep our women and children safe.’” Advocates have circulated old propaganda like videos saying “the homosexual” lurks in the bathroom waiting to prey on young boys. Arguments about bathrooms were used to justify segregation and helped doom the Equal Rights Amendment.

These arguments have been effective, advocates argue, because people tend to feel vulnerable in the bathroom, and women and children do have legitimate reason to fear assault in general. And they’re particularly effective against transgender people, they say, because for decades media portrayed transgender people as deceivers or deviants (think Silence of the Lambs or Ace Ventura: Pet Detective) and many people don’t have a personal relationship with someone who is transgender. A report from the Public Religion Research Institute found that while 65% of Americans say they have a close friend or family member who is gay, just 9% say the same thing about having a personal relationship with someone who is transgender.

Julia Posted 8 years, 9 months ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
Studies show transgender people are more likely to be victims. “What is really unacceptable,” says HRC’s Oakley, “is we’re pinning [these fears] on people who are, in fact, themselves incredibly vulnerable in bathrooms.” In a study from UCLA’s Williams Institute, nearly 70% of transgender people said they had experienced verbal harassment in a situation involving gender-segregated bathrooms, while nearly 10% reported physical assault. And, advocates argue, laws that force transgender people to use restrooms where they can look out of place makes them more likely targets.

While opponents have circulated photos that suggest transgender people are unmistakable, many transgender people can go about their day without anyone being aware of their gender status. “When you are aware that trans people exist but you don’t understand trans people … that does create this opportunity for fear-mongering to slip in,” says Oakley. “You’ve probably been using bathrooms next to trans people for a long time.”

End of article.

Have a good day!


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