The world today is full of distractions, to the point that everyone I seem to know ha a blindfold on their eyes to reality. I'm not talking in terms of reality television, but more the conscious and critical thinking necessary to evolve. I truly believe that if more of the human race were to become more in-tune with their most inner-consciousness, we as a whole can manifest abundant change in the world we live in. Every person on the planet is interconnected to one another and to everything energy wise on the planet and beyond. Life is an energy that continues to rotate and, if what goes around comes around and we reap what we sow, then I can only believe that if conscious minds alike sow positive energy for change, then only positive change can return, correct? I challenge anyone reading this to become more conscious of the things you think, say, and do and to strongly encourage others to do the same. Reconnecting to reality is the beginning of your own utopia.
2017 jun 4
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