Worst of the Worst
①worst \wərst\ adj. superlative of BAD or of ILL 1: most bad, evil, ill or corrupt 2: most unfavorable, unpleasant, or painful; also: most unsuitable, faulty, or unattractive 3: least skillful or efficient
②worst adv. superlative of ILL or of BAD or BADLY 1: to the extreme degree of badness or inferiority: in the worst manner 2: MOST (Those who need help~)
③worst n: one that is worst
We began these California on Blast segments in issue number 3 of the Write or Die Zine Project to highlight specific all-time lows of the very system that gets away with calling other people things like worst of the worst.
We are releasing a full Zine issue titled California on Blast as a supplemental strike that companions this NGR series because we've compiled so many real-time facts that we couldn't fit them all into the NGR series.
While the n-word is keeping societies focus on ignorance and negative, we forget that by default, prison populations and sectors of outer society are being conditioned to believe that they exist on some sort of higher moral standard than those who use the n-word or those who are named, worst of the worst.
The stark irony is applied when we ourselves began to use phrases like this while being conditioned to ignore that we are in fact included in the second worst.
For example:
Attention all prisoners who are not on death row. Condemned prisoners are called, "The Worst of You."
Society may not even understand that oftentimes the only difference between mainline prisoners and the condemned population is the failure of attorneys to achieve a plea deal, so now does the definition of the word worst apply to you? I don't think so either. For those willing to keep it all the way one hundred the facts in real-time can often reflect that some prisoners on the mainline have been accused of far worse crimes than a larger portion of the condemned population, so being called the worst of the worst by the worst must be as a direct result of inclusive suggestive institutional disdain for people who have been condemned. So wake up, my niggaz. We are still misued! To view each other negatively by the state of California.
San Quentin State Prison's administration continues the practice of resistance towards any and all positive development projects that are generated from the condemned population, and not by way of any of the multitude of proselytizing programs offered to non-condemned prisoners. Yeah, I said proselytizing.
a.) One man educated himself, wrote children's books to encourage innercity youth not to follow the path he took towards self-destructive behavior and street violence. Yet, even before he was executed, the prison officials left no stone unturned to make sure that the man's positive gains were always met with harsh criticism and resistance, with a snide disdain.
b.) Another man created an idea and movement that would allow prisoners to be living organ donors to even family members and matches that would save lives well beyond the traditional understanding of restitution and compassion, even as his own father lay dying from cancer. But because of the man's condemned status, the institution's warden and public relations officer has even gone as far as looking the man in the face and telling him that his idea would never be worth the paper he wrote on it. What tha?
c.) A large group of Mexican Americans from Southern California demanded to be housed with fellow condemned prisoners and to be treated equal in terms of exercise yard opportunities. The prison administration not only tried to silence them by moving them to an area of prison that is totally covered by a rotting metal cover, and completely wrapped in golf-coarse screen that denies them access to direct sunlight, and equal program time each of them became jailhouse informants to be released from said harsh conditions of confinement.
d.) Another person wrote a program proposal for an in-cell mental health care based T.Y. channel for those interested in decreasing the suicide rate and the unsuccessful suicide rate on condemned row. He was told by a mental health care professional that although the program proposal was great and well written, the Bible says that some people are already doomed to die and that the proposal doesn't have "the word in it" (meaning zero Christianized credit). The sexual orientation and condemned status of the writer of the proposal were also factors stated to withhold and deny forward motion progress of the proposal becoming a reality.
e.) A new generation of condemned youth have created their own self-published periodical and blog. This multi-cultural collects creative writing, social awareness based movement. It's a historical first for the condemned population, seriously. Developed from the mind of one wise young man, page after page after page proves that the exacerbation of the hyper horrific energy of the condemned population is created stygmo based and the source of the stygmo is maintained by those with vested interest in maintaining leverage over society to be absolved from waging against inhumane treatment of people called "worst of the worst."
Prison officials have blocked out all access to the blog of this unique body of work within the prison, for no other reason than the specific intent to keep silent all of the ongoing strides of a positive nature by a subcultural section of a prison population. Denied a voice or access to resources equal to what is human.
WHy? Because in California, nothing positive can happen in prison.
Out of the worst of the worst, without prison officials hand of control associated with it, where nothing good exists on death row.
Television broadcasts are loaded with positive-based prison stories, but we never see any of those stories from the condemned population broadcast. Until someone sets out on a mission to prove that there is such a thing, as the worst of the worst.
—Xzyzst (exist)
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