Why Is There A War Raging On The Inside Of Our Children?
It seems like everywhere you turn a teenager or youth is in some type of trouble. Having unprotected sex, unhealthy relationships, teenage pregnancy, overdosing, youth raping, drugs, drinking, driving, fighting, robbing, murdering, betraying family and friends, basically anybody they come into contact with.
I want to share part of a letter I received from my teenage nice, as well as her poem. This letter put me to tears. My question is why are these adults treating my nice like that? It's very unfair.
So here's what my niece wrote:
"Because of the way some people in our family treats us, I wrote a poem about the way I feel. Before I write one of my poems, I just want to inform you that I always tend to find acceptance from everyone. And most of my family members treat me and my sisters wrong."
What she told me is that she will get acceptance one way or another. She doesn't care if it's the wrong acceptance. As long as someone accepts her. She said a lot of times, "I feel like they don't accept us. So here's my poem called Acceptance.
I cried the last bit of worth I've ever had left,
losing my pride, dignity, morals, and self-respect.
I tried to hard to seek approval but I never come
As I watch my life slowly fade there's nothing
good to expect
I search for acceptance, but failure's all I seek
I try to stand on my own but my knees become
And when my knees become weak it's hard to stand
on my own two feet
because flying with 'em is where I'd rather be.
I search for acceptance, but exception is what I get
losing myself because they haven't affirmed me yet
I ache from the inside out, having nothing left
As long as I keep my head up, there's no need to
Then she said, "Hope you enjoyed my poem. Maybe it gave you an idea of what I go through." And that's just a small portion.
I hear most adults saying today, "This generation is something else. They don't listen, etc."
My questions for the adults are, Are you part of the youth or teenage problem? Are you the problem? What are the teenagers or youths see acting out? What are they going through that they are telling no one? Do you even care to know?
Food for thought: children are trusting by nature. They trust us adults. God holds parents and other adults who influence young children accountable for how they affect these little one's ability to trust. Matthew 18:10: "Our concern for children must match God's treatment of them." Certain angels are assigned to watch over children, and they have direct access to God. These words ring out sharply in cultures where children are taken lightly, ignored, or aborted. If their angels have constant access to God, the last we can do is allow children to approach us easily, in spite of our far too busy schedules.
More on Children - Holy Bible
Follow parent's example: Exodus 34:7
Purpose of parental discipline: Ephesian 6:4
Parent-child relationships: Numbers 30:3-8, Isamuel 8:1-3, Ephesian 6:1-4
Is it ever for them to disobey their parents? Isamuel 19:1-2
How are they affected by the sins of their parents? Exodus 34:7
Avoid complaining in front of 2 Chronicles 10:14
Pray for them parents Job 1:5
Teaching them to make their own choices Proverbs 22:6
Teaching them life's lessons you've learned Joel 1:3
Hard for parents to let them go Luke 2:48
Being childlike vs. childish Matthew 18:1-4
God's will for them vs. parents will for them Matthew 20:20
Written by
Jennifer Johnson
2025 jan 2
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