Successors of Shakespeare
Recess recreating upon the playground
Teaming us collaborational this evening
We, Shakespeare's successors, purport illustrations
Bleeding hearts
In the den of creation penhands of poets
Compose aspirational beneath a reading light
Reaching for you as lovely as reclining into sleep
Blowing kisses in ink caressing dear beauty
Praising as a labor of love
Seeking to honor you with a poem of nectar
Taken aback at how you naturally inspire the gift of poetry
We, Shakespeare's successors, toasting you herein/henceforth
As duty by right to the literary arts
So may societies award us well
[redacted] To The Point Past Mum
I know others are far better than me
So I let them shine and showcase
Besides, I'm real withdrawn and shy!
Oh! At times, I can be flamboyant me
But it comes in spurts and is displaced
And stage fright may be putting it lightly
If placed before masses, I may cry
Oral communications, I was give Fs for grades.
Not that I can't read. My vocabulary expands and I am gifted
But butterflies enter my stomach and crowds intimidate
But I know I can overcome!
With the right motivation and the right woman behind me
Maybe I'll speak out to say
And thus, the self-issued silence imposed will be lifted
Then I can show my heart/soul to bear and
Speak to the point past mum
You are a gamer
Bent on winning
A love Hall of Fames
From first kisses beginning
I am not as legendary.
Winter bites
Teeth of chill
Into my warmth
—Wm. Irving
William Irving
8200 No More Victims Rd.
Jefferson City, MO 65101
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