The Wisdom of the Week Corner
Written by Jennifer Johnson
What is wisdom? The ability to make good use of knowledge, ability to recognize right from wrong: good judgment.
"The best lesson in life is the one you learn yourself first. So many people want to teach others a lesson. Did you learn it yourself first?"
"Do you have to have the last word on a conversation or a heated argument? A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. President Donald Trump and North Korea."
"In order to speak up effectively: Imagine standing before a crowd and loudly voicing an unpopular opinion. To be effective when you go against the crowd, you must have: 1. have the facts, 2. have the right attitude, 3. state clearly what you believe."
"Because it is human nature to accept opinion as facts, we must be especially careful when voicing our negative opinions. What we say heavily influences the actions of those who trust us to give sound advice."
"Are we willing to lose some of our status so that everyone will benefit?"
"Sometimes we jump at a solution because it is the lesser of the two evils, but still it's not the right action to take. When someone purposes a seemingly workable solution, first ask 'is it right'?"
Donald Trump and the NFL Kneeling
Donald Trump has refused to put his hand on his chest for a couple events where the National Anthem was presented. Check your social media. So how is it that he figures that the NFL players should be penalized for kneeling at the football games? Practice what you preach, Donald Trump!
I hear everyone saying the NFL players are disrespecting our military. For real, America. Let's be truthful: half of our service men and women have come back from war. They found themselves homeless, without benefits, nobody caring about them, having problems with the VA meeting, their medical needs, having mental health issues that nobody wanted to hear. Our veterans were suffering and are still suffering. We are getting somewhat better that what you call disrespectful. Now transgender are not wanted in our military. Does it matter as long as they can fight for our country? Please let's not talk about disrespectful towards our military because the government have been very disrespectful and hypocritical to our troops.
I hear people in society saying leave politics out of the NFL, just play sports. Is our flag dealing with politics? Such as government, the National Anthem, and our military. So what you're saying is take those things out. So we can play sports. I would never want that to happen, but we are going to represent our troops, the National Anthem, and flag.
Let's stop being hypocritical to our soldiers, to your own people in America.
Correct the social, civic, coting injustice and stop the racism. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but when you give your opinion, it's good to think about the whole situation and everybody it will affect—not just what you feel is right. I want to establish that every American has a freedom of speech according to the Amendment.
But Donald Trump seems to think because he is the President of the united States. Nobody has a right to freedom of speech except for himself. Feels he can say whatever he wants.
That's not the way America works.
What is said is that some of our Americans are going along with this foolishness. The NFL players have the right to express themselves just like anyone else. American people and Donald Trump. If we want to black ball somebody, it should be white supremacists. They can have a freedom of speech, but NFL can't. That is dead wrong.
The Wisdom of the Week Corner
Why is wrong to judge a person by his or her economic status? Wealth may indicate intelligence, wise decisions, and hard work. On the other hand, it may mean only that a person had the good fortune of being born into a wealthy family. Or it can even be the sign of greed, dishonesty, and selfishness by honoring someone.
Just because he or she dresses well, we are making appearances more important than character. Sometimes we do this because: 1. poverty makes us uncomfortable; we don't want to face our responsibilities to those who have less than we do.
2. we want to be wealthy too and we hope to use the rich person as a means to that end.
3. we want the rich person to join our church and help support it financially.
All these motives are selfish. They view neither the rich nor the poor persons as a human being in need of fellowship. If we say Christ is our lord, then we must live as he requires, showing no favoritism and loving all people, regardless of whether they are rich or poor. This is where our government is trying to make the poor poorer and the rich richer.
Our core values towards the poor have been despised by much of our affluent society forever, as well as their simple values. The American people should be entitled to it all.
Freedom of health care
Freedom of income tax increase
Freedom to Medicare, Medicade, Social Security, UK, Welfare
Freedom of speech
Freedom of VA care and benefits
Freedom to be in the military not based on gender or sex
Freedom to live in whatever country you want to
Freedom of race
Freedom of justice
Freedom of gender
October 19, 2017
Viewers, I need you all.
Currently, I am up for parole. There has not been a decision. What I really need right now is a parole attorney to go to the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles:
2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive SE
Suite 458, Balcony Level, East Tower
Atlanta, Georgia 30334-4909
telephone: (404) 656-4661
I thank you for whatever assistance you can provide in this situation. It's time for me to get home, folks.
Jennifer Johnson
I dedicate the song Imagine by Nico & VinZ
I love you all
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