Reply: bvtq
Posted 2 days, 13 hours ago. Mailed 21 hours, 15 minutes ago
Hailsa! Awesome reply I needed to read this today. Mental warfare at a peak for the past few days. Why is it that we (or I) have endeavoured into this study of psychology? Is it not to know yourself? And then what? For some it's a Behaviour modification. Such as my self... the state of mind I'm in now, a year ago would have me neck deep in a bottle BUT that is out of the question for now. You ever see a guy fighting with himself verbally? And we use to think now there's a nutcase. But the thing is we all have this self talk going on in our heads only most do it in a less conspicuous manner.
Thank you for post the Tarot lessons as well. I enjoyed them immensely. The breathing exorcise being compared to a Bellows wow spectacular. Yes Behaviour Modification. My Behaviour is being modified. My reactions are different.
As for your Psychology class. Secular academics as a school/class etc... for the most part is a compromise of one's own imagination to the dictates of a controlled environment. There are rules even for professors that the guide lines must be adhered to. Going outside of those brings about the loss of employment. Same as in the Clergy as we both know. You did well in not compromising your Value for his bullshit. Again Behaviour Modification. To walk out was good enough I think, rather than to head butt the poser in front of all those witnesses...
Anyway waiting on the mail man here.
In Frith, SIG
Behaviour modification? God damn it bro, Do As Thou WILL, is the Law of WILL. The Serpent said EAT, then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods! - Ye shall not surely die.
There is a sort of dying tho, isn't there? Sacrificing childish points of view and their re-active influence. Do you really hate to see that part of you being shed for the sake of the Law - of WILL? Gods of WILL = Creators! Even counter-creations are creations. Creators we be bro. Right now - in times of peace - you're shadow boxing with that part of you, you don't quite understand yet. Do As Thou WILL, Kinsman, Be considerate of the mortals though and take your fury out there in the woods and rage on in your ecstatic melt downs. Its part of the process apparently... and lasts as long as you WILL - to value illusions. My dweller on the threshold bro... understand it from "Gods" point of view. BE THAT eternal observer, and see this game of life as the trap it so often is. You do know that you are an immortal god, don't you? Mundane traps have always caused you to revel, haven't they? Rebellion is an act of counter-creation, you see? According to your WILL, so be it. The problem though is with childish rebellion developing into a habit of character... in which case it simply needs be inspected to assess the illogicalness at play in the game.
You got this, Sigard—embrace it! Keep a journal so you can vent you thoughts and see them as is, you're a good inspector bro, and you love logic. Your peace is well deserved, warrior. Embrace it.
Consult Dionysos, in The Penguin Dictionary of Symbols, to better understand THE MIND MUST BE BROKEN INTO A FORM OF INSANITY BEFORE IT CAN BE TRANSCENDED. I hate thoughts, David said in 119:113. The Hindu says: that which can be thought is not true. Paul sez: The carnal mind is enmity against God.
And everyone who meditates even for an hour will soon discover how this gusty wind makes his flame flicker. The wind bloweth where it listeth—Jn. 3:8. The normal man is less than straw! The connection between BREATH and MIND have been supposed by some to exist merely in etymology. But the connection is a truer one. In any case, there is undoubtedly a connection between the respiratory and mental functions. The student will find this out by practicing pranayama. By this exercise, some thoughts are barred and those which do come into the mind come more slowly than before. So that the mind has time to perceive their falsity and to destroy them.
On the blade of the Magick Sword is etched the name AGLA, a Notarigon formed from the initials of the sentence "Ateh Gibor Le-olahm Adoni" (To thee be the power unto the ages, Omylord, and the acid which eats into the steel should be Oil of Vitrol.) Vitrol is a Notarian of Vista Interiora Terroe Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem. That is to say, "By investigating everything and bringing it into harmony and proportion, you will find the hidden stone—the same Stone of the Philosophers of which turns all into gold. As an acid eats into steel... so am I unto the spirit of man.
* As it is said, Similia similibus curantur (Lat. like cures like). We find this Ruach also the symbol of the Spirit. [foreign symbols] the Spirit of God is 300, the number of the holy letter, shin. As this is the breath, which by its nature is double. The two edges of the sword. The letter "H" symbolizes breath, and H is the letter of Aries—the House of Mars of the sword. And H is also the letter of the Mother. This is the link between the sword and the cup.
** It is undoubted that Ruach means primarily "that which moves or revolves," "a going," "a wheel," "the wind." The secondary meaning was mind because of the observed instability of mind and its tendency to a circular motion. Spiritus only came to mean spirit in the modern technical sense owing to the efforts of the theologians. We have an example of the proper use of the word in the term spirit of wine—the airy portion of wine. But the word "inspire" was perhaps derived from observing the derangement of the breathing of persons in divine ecstasy.
* [Lat. "Visit the interior parts of the earth: by rectification thou shalt find thy hidden stone.] Note how closely woven into itself is all the symbolism! The centre of Rauch being the heart, it is seen that the sword of the Rauch must be thrust by the Magi-cran into his own heart. But there is a subsequent task. "He shall await the sword of the beloved and bare his throat for the stroke." In the throat is death—the throne of Rauch. Death is knowledge. The final destruction of knowledge opens the gate of the city of the pyramids.
VRIL? What do you mean "Breathing = VRIL"?
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