July 1, 2020

Comment response

by Dymitri Haraszewski (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  The Mask Of Anarchism thumbnail
The Mask Of Anarchism
(June 4, 2020)


Harszewski Blog #1660 Reply ID: 7pga (to mimiSteward) (See other side, also another reply) 6-23-20

Hi Mimi :)

Thanks so much for the transcription and the kind words. Not too many ppl even let me know they've read my posts, so hearing that you really enjoyed one is a great feeling. I have to admit, you shame me a little bit, too ... no on PURPOSE, for sure, but when you compliment my writing as "beautiful", then I look over just the 7 lines of excerpt that came with your comment and see just how much ugly anger I expressed in that tiny space... I dunno. I send guess my choices and re-evaluate my standards. feel like I should do better.
Something I wrote inspired you, you say? That... that's really high praise. Thank you. I wish I could be more inspiring more of the time. So often, I just feel like I'm screaming into the void, makes it hard to feel or express any-thing much more than bitterness. Comments like yours remind me that this is worth the effort, though: there are connections to be made. Thank you.
[Dymitrri Haszewski
Ac2b22 C- Yard
P.o. Box Y09060
Ione, CA 95640]
So you looked into Proudhon a bit, eh? If you liked what you found, I'd advise you to not dig deeply beyond it. As so often happens with "Big Thinkers" or "Great Men," below the surface there be horrors :). His attitude toward women was not pleasant, and he wasn't much better in terms of ethnicity or "race." Suffice it to say, his statues, if there were any, might not make it through 2020. Nut for sure there's a lot of really good thinking that came out of his head through his pen (or quill, I suppose. he's really old :)) The idea that anarchy is order, and oredr contains anarchy, has been really inspiring to me. It's certainly not the idea I grew up with. But if this stuff truly piques your interest, there's a whole universe of anarchist philosophy you might dip a toe into, from other classical theorists like Bakunin and Godwin and Kropotkin, to people like Noam Chomsky, Alex Comfort, and Pau Goodman, some of whom are still alive. And younger writers too, although I'm afraid what passes for anarchism right now is often just fascism with a capital A :( I'd say, check out Emma Goldman- maybe my favorite anarchist. There was a good special about her on PBS recently. Give it a view!
Thanks again a million times for you know... being awesome :) Sincerely & in Solidarity Dman

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Mimisteward Posted 4 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 4 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
Hi Dymitri!

Thank you so much for your reply! It made my day hearing from you again, so please keep replying! I'm so pleased that reading my response felt good but please please do not for a second feel shamed! That is entirely besides the point! Any anger that you feel is inevitably justifiable, and never ugly! I loved your post on anarchy--not because it was ugly in any way, but because it was so passionate and knowledgeable. Even now, you're able to recommend numerous theorists and philosophers to look into (which I will definitely do!). It's very impressive AND inspiring, so don't for a moment second guess yourself or convince yourself that you need to do better because it sounds like you're doing pretty bloody awesomely!
I can't imagine feeling like you're constantly screaming into the void, and it sounds impossible, but as you say, the fact that there are connections to be made and like-minded people to scream to, shows that it is always ALWAYS worth the effort so please don't ever stop!
And with Proudhon, I think that's very good advice! And quite possibly he'll come under intense scrutiny very soon given the current social climate!
I just want to say thank you again for your reply, and for all your recommendations! I will check out Emma Goldman and let you know how I get on next time!
Best wishes,

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