Mental health awareness
When it comes to mental health. It's a important subject
to me. Because I myself has suffered mental health issue
such as anxiety, depression, nightmares, fearful, low self esteem,
withdrawal, suicide, distrust, self rejection, paranoia, bulimarexia. It
seems like no matter how much counselor I got it didn't
work. Things got worst. I didn't feel love nobody protected
me when I was being molested, people always talk about
my weight in the family I begin to think I was fat when I
wasn't. If somebody really did love me. I felt they didn't
would reject them because I thought they had some other
agenda in my mind. I hated myself because I felt everyone
I meet was out to get me. Always felt unworthy and
nobody loved me. Suffering mentally is a struggle
when it's seems like you are drowning with no way
out. But their is a way out. You have to reprogram
your mind. I use feel nasty dirty because I been rape
and molested by three different people. I had to rebuild
my self esteem up and tell myself it was not your fault.
Stop feeling shame and guilt about what has happen
to you. Mom abandon me when I was born. I felted
rejected and unwanted and unworthy by people even the
ones who loved me. I felt distrust that they was
going to leave and abandon me. I know it's
hard to overcome the struggles but you can. If I did
it you can to. You don't let the struggle dictate
you and your life. You dictate it. Not only did I struggle
with mental but my aunt was schizophrenia and my sister
dealt with ADD. They was on medication for their
mental health. My sister manage to overcome as well no longer
taking the medicines. For me overcoming wasn't easy. I had to
take baby steps. Even in the baby step it was painful. It
is not easy reprogramming your thinking. So I had christian
counselors surround me teaching me how to reprogram my
thinking. One of the first books that help me was Battle
field of the mind by Joyce Meyers. I learned so much why
thoughts battle in our mind. If we put negative thoughts
in our mind about ourself or let somebody else negative
that has been said about you become a seed in our mind,
it causes destructive thinking. What we put into the mind
determines what comes out Proverbs 15:14 What we feed
our minds is not as important as what we feed our
bodies. The kinds of books we read, the people we talk
with, the music we listen to and the films we watch are
all part of our mental diet. For instances if you struggling
with sexual addiction with children or adults why would
create or watch pornograph. Instead of seeking out pornograph
they need to admit they have addiction and get help. Learning
to reprogram their mind from that. Be discovering because
what you feed your mind influences your total health
and well-being. Thus a strong desire to discover knowledge
is a mark of wisdom. And what we put into our minds
determines what comes out in our words and actions. Paul
tells us to program our mind with thoughts that are true
noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and
praiseworthy. Do you have problems with impure thoughts
and daydreams? Examine what you are putting into your
mind through television, internet, books, conversations, movies
and magazines. Replace harmful input with wholesome
material. Above all read God's word and pray. Ask God to
help you focus your mind on what is good and pure. It
takes practice but it can be done. How to renew your
mind. For example Christians are called to not conform
any longer to the pattern of this world" with its behavior
and customs that are usually selfish and often corrupting.
Many Christians wisely decide that much wordly behavior
is off limits for them. Our refusal to conform to this world's
values, however, must go even deeper than the level of behavior
and customs - it must be firmly planted in our minds be
transformed by the renewing of your mind.
It is possible to avoid most wordly customs and still be
proud, covetous, selfish, stubborn and arrogant. Only when the
Holy Spirit renews, needs cattes and redirects our minds are
we truly transformed. Healthy self esteem is important
because some of us think too little of ourselves; on the
other hand, some of us overestimate ourselves. The key to an
honest and accurate evaluation is knowing the basis of
ourself with - our identity in Christ. Apart from him, we
aren't capable of very much by eternal standards in him
we are valuable and capable of worthy service. Evaluating
yourself by the worldly standards of success and
achievement can cause you to think too much about your
worth in the eyes of others and thus makes your true value
in God eyes. How can you have the mind of Christ. No one
can comprehend God (Romans 11:34) but through the guidance
of the Holy Spirit, believes have insight into some of God's
plans, thought and actions - they in fact have the mind of
Christ. Through the Holy Spirit we can begin to know God's
thoughts, talk with him and expect has answers to our
prayers. Are you spending enough time to Christ to have
his very mind in you? An intimate relationship with Christ
comes only from spending time consistently in his presence
and in his word. Philippians 2:5 for more on the mind of
Christ. I've learn that alot of the mental health patience
has been affiliated with church.
This last one I saved for the final point. As we are pushing
for more police reform with the police. Mental health was
one of them. How they with mental I suspect that they
a counselor present. Would that do any good for a suspect
who is dealing with madness, schizophrenia, paranoia or
hallucinations. Absolutely not because they in a thinking
pattern that is hard to bring them out of. So how do you
handle this. The little small town I live in had a
problem with mental patience fighting the sherieff and trying
to take their gun. The sherieff would transport these patient
to the mental hospital. Well that stop when a sherieff
was gun down by mental health patients. So they came up
with new policy ambulance is called out by the sherieff.
Someone on that ambulance is certified to give a haloperidol
shot and they put them in a straight jacket. Immediately
transported to mental hospital where they contact your family.
To let them know what is going on. If they was present.
The suspect or the person who was having the psychotic
moment is not killed by the police. We got to get
back to professionalism of how theses polices can handle
situation. For realize some mental health patient has
to have mental health changes to help them.
Written by
Jennifer Johnson
2025 jan 2
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2024 dec 29
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