Aug. 8, 2021

Hello To All My Viewers

by Jennifer Johnson (author's profile)


Hello to all my viewer,

I miss you all. Currently I am a Ashland University and Culinary Arts Student. I am not going to lie to you. Severe Weather Meteorology and Philosophy has been very hard. I salute all Meteorologist. That is a job that would be hard to me. The math that comes with this class - wow, it's hard.

Other than school, I been planning for the rest of this year. My goals are very important. In order to succeed it's good to have a plan in place. Someone may say my plans don't always work out. Ok, then what. When that happen to me, I have to regroup and think. For me taking a pause throughout the day to just think about how can I go about this another way. Being to busy can cripple you. Because it's hard to go to the next level. What happens you, end up stuck where you are.

How many people can say hey. I am stuck in the same situation, I was in last year. Time to come out of that place. Get all negative people out of your pathway. Some of you need to stir away from social media for a while to get your mind and life on the right path. Some of you need to stir away from the wrong crowd. The others need to stir away from that unhealth relationship. I need to stir away from the sweets, soda, and chips oh that to my downfall right now.

Say no to using drugs, abusive relationship, alcohol, gang bang, prison, jails, hanging out with the wrong crowd trying to be cool and fit in, violence, selling drugs. Pick yourself up move in a more productive direction, you are better than those things above.

Jennifer Johnson


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