Roe vs. Wade Debate
The first question I want to ask is why do we have women's rights if we going to choose what decision they make with their own bodies? First it was the birth control with Trump. Now it's their rights under attack about abortion.
Men cannot birth a baby. They don't know the pain we go through as women. Or women who suffer incest or rape. It's the man that did the damage in these situations, so whyever do these male politicians come into the mix of trying to determine what we do with our bodies?
I've been through three molestations and a rape. Thank God I didn't get pregnant though. The molestation because they were family members. I did get pregnant from a boyfriend that I didn't want no more. He said if I can't have you, nobody else will. This individual raped me. I kept my baby. But not everybody does that. It was by choice.
Nobody should force any woman's decision.
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Jennifer Johnson
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Replies (3)
The other thing that scares me about Roe vs. Wade being stricken down is that this also opens the unfortunate legal loophole for more capital punishment against women.
Let's say that a woman is being charged for assault. If she happens to be pregnant too, a prosecutor can use that against her by stating she placed her baby in danger. Without Roe vs. Wade's fine print, that unborn baby could count as a legal minor (depending on the state). That can be done regardless of whether she is found guilty or not. Imagine a scared and innocent woman defending herself against an abusive partner, but there is just enough circumstantial evidence to incriminate her anyway. Not only does she have the assault charge, it could count violence against her unborn baby too. So she's put away for two violent charges instead of one. Nasty.
Stay real, JJ. I wish the best for you.