Sept. 12, 2022

Comment response

by William Goehler (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Untitled thumbnail
(July 31, 2022)


reply: 893
Hi Cavak, 25 August '25
Thank you for your early August comment/ question re: parenting course,

yes, I did enjoy learning more data on the human condition. for instance, did you know modern imaging technology reveals much about the developing process of humans in that 40% of the human brain is developed prior to birth, 40% develops from birth to 3 years of age, and the remaining 20% develops from age 3 to 25?

Fortunately for me I've been afforded an opportunity for decades of introspection in order to rewire my synaptic relay system. decades to unlearn erroneous points of view I had inherited, decades of seeking knowledge to enable logical thinking.

" How did this course affect me personally"? it affirmed my understanding of parenting responsibilities, it was interesting to consider the developmental phases of growing children - and what may be taught at each phase which will impact their future thought process. In this instance, I've grown much more empathic to others I know to be struggling with being themselves - which happens to mostly be the product of non-optimum environments,

there was a section in this course on HEALING your PAST from those non-optimum influences, through meditation (1: contemplation or reflection ). Being able to confront the past is the surest way to better understand its impact, and consequently, restore responsibility toward salubrious living. Fortunately for me, I've had decades of mediation, burning off the dross as it were, truly Odyssean labor< for the love of truth.


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J7haox Posted 2 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 2 years ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

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