Richly Interesting Conversation with Jennifer Johnson
Hello United States, United Nations and Continents,
I miss everyone. Currently I am out for a break from school. In all who is graduating Fall 2023, well done job. I hope everyone has a successful career. I just graduated with my Associate of Arts Fall 2022. Now I am working on my Bachelor of Arts degree, Fall of 2023. Now I want to send out my condolences to each family that has lost their family member recently to suicide, overdose, illness, gun violence, or any other type of death. My prayers are with you. May the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Talk 1: Build each other up especially our children and young adults. What is wrong with this generation. Is it the style of parenting or is it our children going through an identity crisis. We as society is putting too much on the children minds. Just last week I pick this book up, the dog on it caught my attention. When I open the book up, it said the book audience would have been 10 years old up to 13 years of age. I begun to read the book. I got to page 10. At the bottom of the page had the 13 year old young to stay with their aunt and wife. Because her mother had died, my question was, why it couldn't be aunt and friend. I feel like the author tried to push a gay relationship on a child. We are not given children much option to choose their path these days. Society is pushing a lot on these babies. When I was growing up the peer pressure was boys, stealing, smoking marijuana, drinking, etc. Now the children is dealing with am I really gay, was I born like this, committing adult crimes, going to prison at early age, etc. Even the cartoons are perverted. The other night I was scanning regular cable their was certain cartoon with two women in the bed with their bra and panties on kissing. One said you think my husband is on the way or does he knows about us. Social media, TV and people lifestyles are tearing our children and young adults down when they should be built up to be a productive and respectful adult. No offense to the LGBT community. How adults live their life should be private. We got to build our babies self esteem up people.
So how do we do that when their is no sexuality privacy anymore. We call it educating children. When I was younger adult was very protective of what a child can see and do. The ultimate question is it right for adults to choose the lifestyle they want them to have in their life. Through forced perception?
Talk 2: Now the adults are having the children to do their dirty work through gang activity, robbing, etc. It's amazing how history often repeat itself as teenagers committing homicides, robbing, selling drugs and gang activity. The question here adults why are we so angry at others and greedy? We got to forgive self and the person who hurt us. Holding onto offenses is the Bait of Satan by John Bevere. Romans 14:13 Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother's way. A lot of these children that are in the streets comes or affiliated with christianity in Some way, why is it that your child or grandchildren. In many instance believers has Showed or dealt with the kids with a resentful attitude. Many children has been torn down by adults, that called themselves Chrishans or believers of something. how the liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak. Our liberty had been given to us for Serving and laying down our lives weare to build and not destroy, to edit and not tear down. This liberty was not given to enable us to heap gain upon ourselves. Because we have used it in this manner, many today are offended by the lifestyles of Christians we may have the freedom in Christ to do many things, but if something will offend another person then we must carefully consider voluntarily limiting ourselves in order to witness to others.
Do the things I do seek the edification of another or myself?
Make a list of things that you have voluntarily stopped doing so that you will not offend or be a stumbling block to others.
Romans 14:19 "Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another"
I Corinthians 10:23-24, 31-33 All things are lawful "All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify. Let no man seek his own, but each one the other's well-being... Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God. Give no offence, either to the Jews or to the Greeks or to the church of God, just as I also please all men in all things, not seeking my own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved."
Allow the Holy Spirit to funnel every area of your life through this scripture passage. Allow him to show you any hidden motives or agendas that are for your profit and not for the profit of others. No matter what area of life you might embrace, accept his challenge to live as a servant of all. Asking the Lord to show you anything your life that may be a stumbling block to others, and the remnent.
Day 18 Laying down our rights
The Bait of Satan-John Bevere
living free from the Deadly Trap
of offense.
Task #3: Technology has it went too far when it comes to user privacy. What can be done to enforce that privacy? In my opinion, yes, technology has went too far when they don't have boundaries as to what user can access.
One example, someone's nude pictures getting into the wrong hands, there should be a life lock on each user file. If they're a suspected a criminal activity by a user, why not get a search warrant to open those files?
The Internet can be fun and access able to all people. But the hacking accounts and cyberbullying and killings have to stop. Some people have been killed as a result of social media.
People, it's not just the tech companies that are the problem. How we engage on social media is another factor. Posting every trip, etc. sometimes can be a dangerous lure. All kinds of people to us like stalkers. People that are easily obsessed.
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Jennifer Johnson
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