A Tidbit of Insanity
A few guys were talking like a lot of guys do: of sex. One mentioned to another of a French tickler.
Fast as a heartbeat, my brain tossed forward the first visual reference link to the Frase. (See? Misspelled it. Caricature of a stereotypical French cartoon) In my mind, I saw a French criminal. All the citizens in France observe a curfew, always on the lookout for the "tickler". Newspapers around the world carry headlines like "World Economy Screwed Amist French Tickler Probe By London Police" or "Can Justice Put Away the French Tickler?"
Hey! Two examples are sufficient. Want more? See my stand up special on DOC security cam channel, right before the pepper spray and handcuff finale...
2015 apr 28
2015 apr 28
2014 nov 19
2014 nov 18
2014 nov 16
2014 nov 14
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