AMC 2012
Most Pressing Issues That The Network Should Focus On
1.) charging prisoners money that their loved ones sent them for physical health care.
2.) unjustly incarceration by state courts, especially in Texas.
3.) better food, health care, better doctors, better clothing, better mental health.
4.) overhaul the unjustified court systems wasting society's tax money to incarcerate innocent people like me.
5.) change laws in state and federal congress to better access to civil rights violations by prison guards.
6.) focus on better treatment of prisoners, and require prison guards and other prison staff members to respect all prisoners.
7.) cut down on abusing prisoners by using excessive use of force.
Support I Need That I'm Not Getting
The support that I mainly need is criminal legal assistance due to being non-schooled in law. I was railroaded and not given my due process rights nor the right to call a witness to testify for me on my behalf.
If I would've been given the rights, I could've showed my innocence through my witness testimony. But the state of Texas had my witness incarcerated at the time of my trial and did not bring her forth to testify for me.
I am one of many illegally charged with a crime that I did not commit.
May God be with you all in the struggle.
David Wallen #341807
Hughes Unit
Rt. 2, P.O. Box 4400
Gatesville, TX 76597
2011 apr 4