lone·ly [ lṓnlee ] 1.feeling alone: feeling sad through being without friends or company 2.isolated: isolated and rarely visited 3.without companionship or support: done or lived through without companionship or support from other people
Though we are not with you, and we sometimes get busy in our lives... You are NEVER forgotten! We love you! We miss you! and we are counting down with you! I know we can't even come close to understanding what you have been and are currently going through, but just know that we DO LOVE YOU VERY MUCH! Also, I am very happy to see I have a new way of connecting with you, especially since I suck at writing snail mail. XOXO Sissy
This is so sad to see; society can't forgive! This is what is wrong with the world today!Some one is playing God, and should not be. Mr.Soffen has done his time. It is time for him to go home. There is an un-told story here. It has twists and turns that you could never imagine. It is time for a forgiveness to occur. Let him go home and live out his remainder of days with his son. All of you who sit in judgement say he took the live's of someone else's sons, go back in the history and read the story of what took place. You will discover that the men that died were also like Mr. Soffen, though they did not deserve death, they were his partners, and did the same things that he did. This man went to prison alone; and there were others involved, there is so much betrayal and bargaining that was done with the D.A.'s office and other members of the Soffen Gang, Mr.Soffen was the one that was hung for it all. I believe that because one of the families of his victims is tied into the court house, they have held their weight in keeping this man in prison. His parole date has been due for many years now, he is no longer a threat to society, he is medically incapable of hurting anyone, eleven murderers were just released I pray that Mr. Soffen was one of them. Janyce
You have the strongest mind/constitution of any person of which I am aware. I have never been incarcerated nor do I plan to be incarcerated. The strength that you displayed during your time in the hole is something I envy. Plus, getting your hair cut was a good idea. It looks more inviting and up-to-date. Thank you.
Are you still alive? I hope so. It's so interesting for reading all your posts here, thank you for offering me such a helpless, frenzied, literary, sex-additive, and most of all, living portrait. No, I'm not setting up my condolence on your misfortune, we're all lost to some extent, you, I and the guys who hurt you. As a person with "hundreds of stories", maybe you can share more with us on this site.
You talk too much about your hyper-sexual-ability almost in every post, to indicate your confidence or safety in that homophobia and claustrophobic unit. It's not funny at all, your advantage in the free world becomes disadvantage in prison. To be honest, I guess neither violence nor so-called love/sex can make you safe. Sorry, I don't know what American prison looks like, like in Prison Break, O.Z.? But I am not in favor of violence. I think what you need is a peaceful heart. Since you have studied so much on religious, might you will agree with me, only inside peace can make you safe, and free.
Do not let your past destroy your future, which is also what I am doing now. Wish we all have a better tomorrow. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.
Hello, Mr Wesley My name is toni Kimbrough don't know if u know of me but my mom spoke so much of u I just,wanted to say hello since I was old enough maybe one day,I,sold get the chance to meet with u. My mothers name is Debbie Kimbrough yall were hanging out around the time u were detained. When ever u can write bak thank-you
Dearest Uncle Cheese, I just used the name Cream as a log in name nobody out here calls me that. Every time u open an account on or join a community on the internet, they ask u to create a user name so I just put Cream that's all I be putting all kinda shit when they ask Cream, Lucious, Lola, ion care but it's always something sexy tho cus I'm sexy and glamorous as I'm sure Uncle Travis told u! He calls me the "Blonde Bombshell" and I love it! But anyway Unk it seems to me that u got our post right away because I didn't send mine in June or no other month. I sent them recently and so did Cherry and Meme because I posted your address on their Facebook profile and they wrote to u right away witch was only last month sometime, so u good on this. Plus it's more convenient for us to write to u on the computer. They have to give u our post and we dnt have to use stamps to send them :) works for me! And u do get them right away regardless of what the dates say. So I will say it is 9:46pm on Dec.28th now let's see when u will get it. I feel the same way as u about the parties I waiver most of the time. I dnt know what side I prefer. I dnt know who I like but I know I'm not a liberal or a republican and the damn dems are too weak for ya girl so who then? Fuk it I'm making my own party! One of my cousins say I'm bouta April yo ass cus I got April rules instead of regular rules so fuk it's the April political party hahahaha! Any way I love u and I'm gone I will write u again on here sooon . Love u Love Love ok! And I still have faith that u will be FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE someday.
nice Grinch!hope this line finds you doing well you don't get to check this very often ?do you?anyhow we are all thinking of you and you are in our thoughts and prayers!stay strong bro!later for now your friend Winston!
Dear Christopher, Very touched by your story...a man who went to prison for a few years ends up for many times more years. All because you tried to protect a fellow inmate from a brutal beating (says wikapedia). You seem strong, blessed, and very much in control. I see much I admire in you core strength. I do not advocate your violence, but must say it seems obvious that you did it to protect a fellow human being and for that you deserve a metal of honor. As for Gitmo, I hope it closes soon and I hope that all prisons treat their prisoners with diginity and respect. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Stay strong and positive. All the best, Tiffany
XOXO, Sissy
1.feeling alone: feeling sad through being without friends or company
2.isolated: isolated and rarely visited
3.without companionship or support: done or lived through without companionship or support from other people
Though we are not with you, and we sometimes get busy in our lives... You are NEVER forgotten! We love you! We miss you! and we are counting down with you! I know we can't even come close to understanding what you have been and are currently going through, but just know that we DO LOVE YOU VERY MUCH! Also, I am very happy to see I have a new way of connecting with you, especially since I suck at writing snail mail. XOXO Sissy
Mr.Soffen has done his time. It is time for him to go home. There is an un-told story here. It has twists and turns that you could never imagine.
It is time for a forgiveness to occur. Let him go home and live out his remainder of days with his son. All of you who sit in judgement say he took the live's of someone else's sons, go back in the history and read the story of what took place. You will discover that the men that died were also like Mr. Soffen, though they did not deserve death, they were his partners, and did the same things that he did.
This man went to prison alone; and there were others involved, there is so much betrayal and bargaining that was done with the D.A.'s office and other members of the Soffen Gang, Mr.Soffen was the one that was hung for it all.
I believe that because one of the families of his victims is tied into the court house, they have held their weight in keeping this man in prison.
His parole date has been due for many years now, he is no longer a threat to society, he is medically incapable of hurting anyone, eleven murderers were just released I pray that Mr. Soffen was one of them.
You have the strongest mind/constitution of any person of which I am aware. I have never been incarcerated nor do I plan to be incarcerated. The strength that you displayed during your time in the hole is something I envy. Plus, getting your hair cut was a good idea. It looks more inviting and up-to-date. Thank you.
Are you still alive? I hope so. It's so interesting for reading all your posts here, thank you for offering me such a helpless, frenzied, literary, sex-additive, and most of all, living portrait. No, I'm not setting up my condolence on your misfortune, we're all lost to some extent, you, I and the guys who hurt you. As a person with "hundreds of stories", maybe you can share more with us on this site.
You talk too much about your hyper-sexual-ability almost in every post, to indicate your confidence or safety in that homophobia and claustrophobic unit. It's not funny at all, your advantage in the free world becomes disadvantage in prison. To be honest, I guess neither violence nor so-called love/sex can make you safe. Sorry, I don't know what American prison looks like, like in Prison Break, O.Z.? But I am not in favor of violence. I think what you need is a peaceful heart. Since you have studied so much on religious, might you will agree with me, only inside peace can make you safe, and free.
Do not let your past destroy your future, which is also what I am doing now. Wish we all have a better tomorrow. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.
Best wishes.
My name is toni Kimbrough don't know if u know of me but my mom spoke so much of u I just,wanted to say hello since I was old enough maybe one day,I,sold get the chance to meet with u. My mothers name is Debbie Kimbrough yall were hanging out around the time u were detained. When ever u can write bak thank-you
But anyway Unk it seems to me that u got our post right away because I didn't send mine in June or no other month. I sent them recently and so did Cherry and Meme because I posted your address on their Facebook profile and they wrote to u right away witch was only last month sometime, so u good on this. Plus it's more convenient for us to write to u on the computer. They have to give u our post and we dnt have to use stamps to send them :) works for me! And u do get them right away regardless of what the dates say. So I will say it is 9:46pm on Dec.28th now let's see when u will get it.
I feel the same way as u about the parties I waiver most of the time. I dnt know what side I prefer. I dnt know who I like but I know I'm not a liberal or a republican and the damn dems are too weak for ya girl so who then? Fuk it I'm making my own party! One of my cousins say I'm bouta April yo ass cus I got April rules instead of regular rules so fuk it's the April political party hahahaha!
Very touched by your story...a man who went to prison for a few years ends up for many times more years. All because you tried to protect a fellow inmate from a brutal beating (says wikapedia). You seem strong, blessed, and very much in control. I see much I admire in you core strength. I do not advocate your violence, but must say it seems obvious that you did it to protect a fellow human being and for that you deserve a metal of honor. As for Gitmo, I hope it closes soon and I hope that all prisons treat their prisoners with diginity and respect.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Stay strong and positive.
All the best,