Feb. 24, 2013

Daily Jounal (Jan. 25-27, 2013)

by Ronald W. Clark, Jr (author's profile)


Daily Journal
January 25 - , 2013

January 25, 2013 Friday 5:55am: Ate breakfast, cleaned this cage and now I've got to figure out what to do to waste the day. I received one letter in last night from Anne, from J-Pay's new e-mail by post. I've got to find out more about that. Maybe more people will start writing me, now that they can send e-mails. Anyways, I'll write Anne, and then decide what to do next. I have a little baby cricket living under my locker. It's been there for about 3 days. It was in the middle of the floor this morning, so I cleaned the floor, got it back under the locker, after I cleaned there, and I sprinkled some water under there and put a piece of potato skin (off the potatoes on my food tray) under there, so hopefully it'll be able to eat that. Time to get going. Anne is trying to convert me to Christianity, which is a lost cause. I have too much doubt.
11:43am: I wrote one letter, and just been sitting around wasting time. The guy in Cell #17 moved and we have another guy now. I don't care for him. I talked with the captain earlier. He seems straightforward. We have a sgt. working down here today that I don't trust. He falsified that DR on May 16, 2012, which was an unethical criminal act. So I don't trust him. I hate that our regular sgt is off. Hopefully he will be back tomorrow. I'm considering doing some artwork. I could write a letter. I need to do something to pass the day. Keep a low profile and I hope to get through the day without any problems with this sgt, just not at all comfortable with him down here.
5:16pm: Just sitting here waiting for my shower. We are 45 minutes away from this sgt. leaving. He picked up the dinner tray and went to joking about, don't throw that tray and then saying that cell is waiting on you. I don't find it funny but I just smiled and went along with it. But it's not funny to commit a criminal act of falsifying a state document, which he's already done, so it's not funny. I'm going to wash clothes here in a few minutes and shower and go to sleep. I haven't done a damn thing today. I set here running my mouth talking. The MP3 guy came. I got one song that was on back order. I should get 5 next week.

Saturday January 26, 2013 5:48am: Just finished cleaning this cage. I haven't ate breakfast yet. I'm hoping our regular wing sgt is back. I don't want to have to deal with this unethical lowlife the whole weekend. I think staff should have to submit to polygraph exams every six months to address the introduction of contraband into these maximum security prisons and any other illegal conduct such as falsifying state documents etc. But it'll never happen. Criminal activity by correctional staff is accepted. Hell, it's expected. Well, I've got some writing to do. I got two letters in last night. I need to write them. After which I'll decide what to do next.
6:12am: F-! Our sgt isn't here, so I've got another stressful ass day to deal with. Having unethical correction staff, is no different than putting an unethical convicted criminal in charge. Only difference is he's a criminal who's lacking a conviction. Now I have to worry about being set up for the next 12 hours. And this could be what they're planning. I'm due to possibly get off heightened security next month. 'Cause I'll be six months DR free. I'm so close to saying f- this sh**, kill myself and just get this stinking life over with. My mind just went to a very bad place. I'm just tired of this, and on top of that the depression, now I've got to deal with this idiot all day. Sure wish that Prozac would have started this week. I may be worrying about nothing. I just thought about what the captain said yesterday, and then my classification officer.
5:03pm: So far, so good. Another hour to go. He's come by here making smart remarks. I've just ignored him. Only thing I've done is watched TV and talked. I'm fixing to wash clothes, wash up and lay down, watch a movie and then MMA. UFC is on tonight.

Sunday, January 27, 2013 7:10am: I'm so tired. I was up late watching the fights. I think I'm tired from the stress of having this sgt down here. I need to finish a letter and write my mom and get a card out. All I really want to do is lay back down, but I'm going to write.
5:20pm: Well, I never did write. I've just been laying down all day. Having a sgt down here that's already set me up, is just very uncomfortable. Very stressful. And I'm just glad he's not going to be here tomorrow. I hope to see the doctor Tuesday and get my Prozac started up. Just having way too many suicidal thoughts. Delgato's suicide, combined with Pete Vetura dying Thursday, and Tom laying up there on his death bed expecting to die any day now, and Paul being over on death watch scheduled to die some time next month, just too much death around here. Anyways, hopefully I'll see the doctor Tuesday and get my Prozac started back. I've noticed I haven't received any comments from the blog in several weeks. Maybe this week. Oh well, I'm fixing to wash clothes, wash up and call it a day. Also I seen the moon this morning. It was a full moon. I was laying in my bunk, I seen what I thought was a reflection. When I got up and looked close it was the moon. I haven't seen the moon in years. I'm going to look for it in the morning. I'm sending one of my cards with 2 puppies, which I hope gets posted on the blog and my logo. Someone please let me know if it's posted.


Replies (1) Replies feed

Schneehase Posted 12 years ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 12 months ago   Favorite
Oh, you´re probably right that Anne will not manage to convert you.
But nothing someone does for somebody else to help him or her in any way is a loss. ;-)
Because in the end, the good will, the try will be what will count.

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