March 15, 2013

Attention Gamers!

From The Novelist Portent by Johnny E. Mahaffey (author's profile)


Johnny E. Mahaffey
February 27, 2013


Are you actually using the games you buy?


And you're not hacking your system?

...I just don't have words for that.

I always hacked my systems and made "backup" copies of games/ Why not? It's legal. I just can't believe how many people aren't even aware of game hacking. Oh they know about cheat codes and things the game manufacturers want you to know; but when it comes to cracking open that P3 case to peruse its board for contact locations for new ways of writing, they get wide eyes and accelerated heart beats. The gall.

Though it is a lot of money to risk, and the idea of rewiring a game console is very intimidating to those who've never attempted such a thing. I won't lie - I burned up my first PS2 console in an attempt to modify it. But, I only destroyed on. The next 15 consoles worked great that I modified for all my friends.

Instead of me going into the technical details of mods, I'll keep thus posting short by simply directing you to the experts that taught me:

This site will - if it's still up, I haven't seen it since back in 2006 - teach you all you need to know, and give you the supplies needed. Their mod chips work great! And they have them for virtually EVERYTHING.

And if you're a hard core vintage gamer, you need to get your hands on books like, "Retro Game Programming." And visit sites like for roms and emulators that will allow you to play all the old games from NES, SNES, SEGA, and rare classics from the TurboGrafX 16 like Splatterhouse!

And for God's sake, play Halo!


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