The Death Row Poet
Daily Journal
March 22-24, 2013
FRIDAY March 22, 2013 5:54am Been up since 3am. Bad night's sleep. Went to sleep at 8pm, woke up at 9:30 for master count, when I got back to sleep mail showed up about 10:10pm. I might have gotten back to sleep by 11pm, so I'm tired. I are breakfast at 5:30, I've made the bunk, cleaned the sink and toilet. I've got to wash the floor here in a minute, and then I'll do some writing. I got 4 letters in last night. I'm prepared if they do a major shake down.
8:30am Just finished a letter to mom, wrote 2 cards, I've got some other letters to write. They didn't call recreation, things are pretty quiet. I have a dental call our at 1pm. Fixing to make a soup then do some more writing.
10:24am I've been getting some writing done. I have two more letters to write Anne and Crystal. Would like to start exercising, but I don't want to go to the dentist all sweaty, so I'm going to walk for 30 minutes.
12:05pm Just finished eating, going to watch some basketball and wait to go to the dentist.
2:10pm I just got back, all they did was take some x-rays. I talked to several guys that I haven't seen in quite some time. We walked about attorneys and our appeals. Right now I need to set up for an exercise session. Also heard out there that one of the officers got fired last Friday for failing a drug test.
3:51pm I just did a cardio, I'm just too sore to do anything else. I'll do chest, shoulders and back tomorrow. Plus I'm really tired. Soon as I get back from showers I'm going to sleep. Someone else moved into cell 6123 so we are full down here. The guy they got down there Greg I've know him for 20 years. I'm waiting on dinner, which will be here in the next 20 minutes. I'm watching the games and listening to music.
4:42pm Finished eating, it was nasty. I'm going to sit back, watch the news and wait on the shower. Right now I'm fixing to wash clothes.
Saturday March 23, 5:08am Been up since 4am. Got a good night's sleep, waiting on breakfast after which I'll write a letter. I got one letter in last night. Christian who's been writing me off and on for years. I'm going to exercise this morning and work on some stationary. This afternoon I'll watch some basketball and just see what else today may hold. I'm still sore. I'll work past it. I've made the bunk cleaned up. I'm going to start this letter.
9:24pm I wrote one letter this morning. Then just before 8am I started exercising. Just finished up, that was a good one. I got a blister Wednesday exercising on my right hand. Just tore all the skin off of it. Hurts like hell and it's right where the pen lays at the top of the thumb and finger, oh well. Time to wash some clothes, bathe and then do some art.
12:12pm Still haven't washed clothes. I've been doing some new stationary and doing it in black and white. Fixing to watch one of the games, not that I care. Teams I like don't play today. I'm going to finish up this stationary and then bath and lay back and relax.
3:49pm Just sitting here waiting on dinner, I washed clothes, bathed and laid down. The game was bad so I listened to music and dozed off. I need to write a couple of letters, I may do that after dinner.
6:56pm I ate dinner, wrote a letter, watched Market Warriors, just finished watching the news and now I'm going to sleep. Get up in the morning, write a letter, exercise and have a productive day.
Sunday March 24, 5:02am Been up since 3:30, just waiting on breakfast, should be here any minute. Eggs, grits, potatoes and biscuits. Need to start a letter and then go from there. It was 16 years ago that my dad killed Connie.
8:54pm Just finished exercising and busted that blister open again. I wrote two letters this morning, one to a pastor I've seen on TV, one to Anne. Now I'm going to do some art work then wash clothes and bath before 12pm, and lay back and watch basketball and then the race and see what else today holds.
11:50am Can't do any art work, the paper is damp from this rain and humidity, maybe I can get something done tomorrow. Still haven't bathed or washed clothes. Fixing to see what games are coming on.
3:32pm I washed clothes and bathed. It stopped raining and the dampness has gone down. I still won't be doing any art work until tomorrow. I did write one more letter, now I'm just watching the race, Danica is not doing good, she's in 34th place.
4:34pm Just finished eating, it was nasty, processed meat and whoever invented that crap should have to eat it the rest of their life. That is some nasty crap. None of the food on the tray was cooked properly.
6:27pm It was a pretty good finish to the race. I'm fixing to call it a day, Larry has 18 days to live.
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