May 13, 2013


by William Goehler (author's profile)


Credentials of Ministry

This is to certify that the bearer hereof was ordained
this date: July 21, 1998
Name: William Goehler
Address: P.O.W. 409020 #K77832
City: Ione, CA 95640

Lida G. Hensley, D.D., President

Best years of my life! <3

[many photos of inmate and family]


Replies (8) Replies feed

Patty Posted 11 years, 9 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
I love the pictures of you and your family! This is the brother I remember. You are a loving father Bill, no matter what! Nothing, nothing, can ever change that! No matter how much time has passed, that will be a constant! I will forever have the memory of when Robert, and the girls and I came to visit you, Debbie and the kids that one time. You were a great father, husband! I agree, this was the best time of your life, and the happiest I think I ever saw you.


debbraDQ Posted 10 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Mine too Bill!! I am blessed the kids are all reaching out to you, even AJ, you see I never made you out to be a monster, no matter what may personal feelings were towards you,you was &always will be their father who loves them,and I hope you will be getting a visit from all of them soon. May God Be with you Always!
Sincerely Me

davidgoehler Posted 10 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 3 months ago   Favorite

hey dad its your son david i really want to meet you ive been back in california for about 7 months i was in a program in utah for 4 years i hate utah now that program sucked they could hit us if they really wanted to but i showed them not to hit me. i havent been in a fight since i left the program so thats good. but actually most of the staff where like family to me i was very protective over them. honestly i really dont know what to say i just saw the thing you wrote about me i thank thats the only thing i have ever heard you say something about me ive been trying to get a job but its hard without a high school deploma or a GED ive been living with brandon i want to be honest about something before i talked with brandon i didnt want anything to do with you i really disliked you for what you put me through never knowing my real father but then brandon talked to me about you and he said you really love us kids and then i read the thing you wrote about me and i want to say i love you dad and i really want to see you well i gotta go. love you dad please write back asap

William Goehler Posted 10 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Davidb Posted 10 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
Hey dad its feels so good to see that you rereplyed back I'm the same about being the heroa couple of nights ago I beat this punks ass cuz he was disrespecting a female I didn't even no I got hands though ppl see me and think I can't fight cuz I'm young the only ppl I fight are grown men I'm only 18 I think I get my crazy fighting from ur side of the family I started getting into smoking and snorting dope I'm trying to get out of yc if I walk down the street ppl I no just hook me up its really hard to stop I've only been in NYC for a month and I no hella ppl who will hand me some without me even asking but I'm gonna try and get a job at papa Murphy's.

davidg Posted 10 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years ago   Favorite
hey dad no jeo never gave me a letter i really want to see it im 14 days sober from meth im really proud of myself me and brandon got into a fight i knocked him out so he tried saying some bullshit and tried to kill me but im not tripping off that i really want to come and visit. i dont know why but i have a bad feeling about this joe guy i dont know him i just feel like something is up with him i dont know why but sorry about my other letter i was out of it but i wanna visit you and get to know you well i got to go im in the library and my times about to run out so love lots your son


ps. cant wait for another letter from you

davidg Posted 10 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years ago   Favorite
hey dad just talked to joe hes gonna get me that letter he said u would b able to call me heres my number 925-577-8161 love u padre it means dad haha im a jokester sorry its just me well love u give me a call my friend zach might pick up just ask for me

kabe63 Posted 10 years ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years ago   Favorite
Hi Bill,

It is me Karen. I know I have been slow to initiate direct contact, I have had a ton of s*** going on. However, I promise to get to it asap within a week's time. I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday. You are one month older that me. I was born in March of 63. Anyway, hope you have a good one.


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