May 28th
"College Kid"
And you say you were impressed!
I was sitting here just wondering what I was going to do. Saturday I've entered a talent show here in prison, I really didn't know if anybody else besides myself "got my" poetry. Your very kind words has taken the stage fright from me.
"College Kid", I wish to share with you something I haven't even shared with my family. On Sunday the 26th of May - I picked up my two year sobriety chip. Two years of continuous sobriety. I think, no, I'm pretty sure that's never happen, since I started using when I was 12. Yea, :) being a "perfectionist" has made me prone to more mistakes and poor choices than describes that word. I share my experience, strength, and hope now because that's what I have to do to stay sober. "Give it away to keep it." All is well, thank you, and poetry is working very well. Saturday June first I read three on the recreation yard in front of some very tough critics. Inmates who don't hide their disdain for the gay community. This should be real fun. :)
So, I wish to share with you and the readers of B.T.B., two of the poems I'm going to read. The first one, is about drugs.
I hope you will be so kind and share some of your poetry with me, please. Playing the violin, I truly believe that is one of most beautiful instruments made or played. I see where you get your perfectionism from, it takes true diligence and many hours of repetitious practice to play.
I was just telling someone in Canada about how much I love reading. When I first came to prison 20 years ago, I'd only open a book if you made me.
Now, they're more than just an escape, they can be a means of identifying and affirming who I was, but better yet who I am today. I believe more so now though, I look to books to stimulate my mind and create a daily sense of purpose.
We have a decent prison library here on this unit. I've read the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen, and a lot of autobiographies. So please don't stop, and know you're not alone, and any time you want to vent, just hit this blog - I will keep writing. And College Kid, thank you for your help, I hope you like my latest two poems.
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