July 7, 2013

Remember the Children

by William Goehler (author's profile)


Deputy says he knew of attack plan - Remember the Children
Attorney attacked by inmate - Man convicted in explosives case charges in stabbing

Thomas Jefferson once said: "Our liberty depends on freedom of the press and that canont be limited without being lost." But I will keep this diatribe within the 250-word policy all the same.

I was recently awakened from my tomb within the booming Califelony industry also known as Department of Corrections and called to battle on the front lines of a new and improved civil war.

The news media echo the politically motivated report of a 40 percent drop in welfare caseloads since 1996, yet fail to mention the 95 percent increase in children placed in foster care this decade.

If I were a believer of covert conspiracy by those elected or appointed public serpents representing the interest of the hight bidder. I would suspect that it appears when the Cold War ended then something else was required to feed the leviathan beast of Big Brother's government industries.

And considering that the Casey Foundation's Kids Count report identified 9.2 million children growing up with a collection of disadvantages that ? for exceptional alarm, along with the Desert Storm General Colin Powell's report updating us on the progress of his America's Promise agenda, mobilising communities to turn around the lives of at risk children. It is all too clear why "it takes a village to feed the prisoners and raise their children."

Was it Adolf Hitler who said, "Give me your children and I will have them for life?" An 86 percent increase this decade, and barely a whimper is heard by we the people. For shame

William Goehler

William Robert Goehler listens to the prosecution Monday during a pretrial conference in a Sutter County courtroom. Goehler, who is representing himself, faces eight felony counts stemming from a May 1999 incident which he is accused of stabbing his attorney,
Michael J. Sullinger.

Jailer says he knew lawyer was in danger
Sutter paid $366,000 to settle assault lawsuit


Replies (2) Replies feed

CJP Posted 11 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I tried to format it in the clearest way possible, I hope you are happy with it.

William Goehler Posted 11 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
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