Sept. 28, 2013
by Kelly Jones (author's profile)


"The haughty do but build castle walls behind which they seek to hide their doubts and fears." - Bene Gesserit axiom (from "Dune, House Atreides" by Brian Herbert and Kevin C. Anderson


Dear Readers,

Quick aside: check out STARTPAGE.COM. It has a search engine that doesn't track you like others + respects your privacy. I heard about it on Coast to Coast.

Howdy! Again after a long absence I don't know where to begin + may repeat myself.

Well, my new job is going OK. I hate the early hour (at 7:30a) as I am definitely a night owl, but it's a lot less hours than at Rec. I may have an opportunity to get another job as an "ICP" or inmate companion, which would involve pushing a guy around in a wheelchair + cleaning his cell, doing his laundry, etc. This guy is very demanding + has been thru several ICPs, plus, he has to go to pill line at 6:00am + again at 7:30pm, so the hours are even earlier + my evening is cut up too. We shall see.

Things in my cell are well. I had it painted 'cause it was filthy. Unfortunately, they all have to be painted the same colors, so I couldn't be creative. Also, my other best friend, Paul - who used to be in this cell with someone else - got out of the Hole (with his former cellie) + I invited him to move in. He's probably the best person I could get for a cellie as he's intelligent + "normal", so we can have a conversation + I can be myself + comfortable. Unfortunately, because we're cellies + also hang out together a lot, most people are assuming we're "married" or at least screwing. We're not. He's straight + not "experimental", + he's really not my type even if he felt otherwise. Fortunately he's real easy to get along with.

I'm having problems with my pierced nipples! Damn it! They keep getting infected no matter how much anti-bacterial ointment I put on. I also can't find anyone to make something plastic to put in + I can't keep the metal forever. I may have to give up on that.

Right now I'm the main Queen on the compound since "Dawn" is in the Hole + 2 other "girls" cried rape (or that they couldn't be around someone who previously "raped" him) + so they checked into the Hole. Now: neither of those 2 actually were raped. They're both mental + trying to get attention or special privileges + are only causing problems. It really gives us gays a bad name + I hope they both get transferred elsewhere. I guess that leaves only 2 other open gays on the compound that I can think of, neither of whom are very social.

They are putting in large metal doors with bars across the wings in this unit (there are 3 "wings" with cells + the one with cubicles). They are to replace, I assume, the sliding doors with windows. It's another absurd + ridiculous expense that is completely needless. I also heard that they plan to put bars on all the windows & cameras in the units. All for a compound where NOTHING happens + is one of the quietest in the U.S. What a waste of money to justify someone's job.

Love + Blessings,



Replies (4) Replies feed

little_pilgrim Posted 11 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
Hello Kelly
Nice to hear from you again!
You sound quite calm in your letter, even if there are problems. Good thing you have a nice cellie. Don't bother about what other people are saying. It's one of the favorite occupations of people to talk about other people. That's here in Belgium also. Gossip, I don't like it either. Did you still hear something from Rita?
Have a nice week,
Litte Pilgrim

Kelly Jones Posted 11 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
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little_pilgrim Posted 11 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
hello Kelly

Sad to hear you had a bad week. Yes, in Belgium we celebrate Halloween, though it's not really my cup of tea. It has come over from the US and it's becoming a new tradition on October 31, as on November 1 and 2 everybody has a holiday. In the beginning of November here in Belgium it is the tradition to commemorate our dear ones who have passed over. Halloween seems to me in our country more a commercial business. But a lot of people like to participate. Well everybody's free. Yes meanwhile I read comments from Rita indeed. Maybe we will meet in spring next year. I got a splendid week myself, been to a concert yesterday and met a few new people. Today it was meditation day. I also visited a woman I know in hospital, she's not well at all... Will you pray for her too?
As I told you before, a letter of mine is on its way to you. Hope you'll feel better by the time you'll receive it. I think the best way to handle with gossip is to be completely indifferent to it...
Well Kelly I sent you a big, big hug. I hope you'll find a bit of consolation some way or another. Do take care of yourself, will you?
xxx Little Pilgrim

Kelly Jones Posted 11 years ago.   Favorite
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