Charles Thompson
Retribution or Redemption Retribution is just another word for revenge. Is it any surprise retribution is one of many arguments made for the support of capital punishment - as if death of a person is again balanced by the vengeful execution of another life. That fundamentalist view diminishes us all as a civilized society. All too often the pro-death culture claim that retribution is self justifying, a simple payback. Some attempt to use the Holy Bible: (Exodus 21:23, 24) ... "you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth..." Religious scholars actually teach that the eye for an eye scripture was an attempt to curtail violence in that period in early civilization (the old testament times), Biblical times in the Hebrew Culture, not in our millennium. Any intelligent study of scripture must be viewed in the full context of the whole Bible. Indeed we as a society don't condone executing people for adultery. Conversely - it's glamorized daily in our culture, as is idolatry. It's safe to worship false idols and go on living. We've advanced in many areas yet taken steps backwards with the use of politics and the death penalty. (Ezekiel 33:11)... "as I live, says the Lord, I swear I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked man, but rather in the wicked man's conversion, that he may live..." Understanding the bible in its Historical context, upon reading Ezekiel 33:11 you've read the Lord swear. His wish is for man's redemption, not vengeful execution. Let's not overlook the sermon on the mount (Matthew 5:1-7:29), wherein Christ focus is on mercy, reconciliation, and redemption. The forgiveness and passage into Heaven is available to all. As Jesus was himself facing the Death Penalty. (Luke 23:32,39-43) So were (verse 32) "two other men, both criminals, were also led out with Jesus to be executed" (Luke 23:39). One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him; "aren't you the Christ - save yourself and us." (verse 40) But the other criminal rebuked him. "Don't you fear God", he said, since you are under the same sentence. (verse 41) We are all punished justly for we are getting what our deeds deserve, "but this man has done nothing wrong" (verse 42). Then he said "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." (verse 43) Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in Paradise." You've read it yourself, folks, there was only one man in the whole Bible that Jesus ever personally promised a place with him in paradise. Not Peter, not Paul, not any of the disciples. He pardoned a convicted thief being executed with Jesus, on the cross next to him. It should be offensive to the least faithful believer that the Bible justifies executing people. This message was brought to you by a condemned man, a believer in Christ message and teachings. The power, truth and teachings are all his and ours. My utmost to his highest. In Christ, Charles Thompson, Execution #999306
Since his incarceration to Texas' death row in 1999, Charles Thompson has matured; he has become a member of the Secular Franciscan order of Houston, and is pursuing his studies. Although he has no college education, he is working on his own case. He writes articles, draws and paints. His art can be seen on the Charles Thompson Association website, and is for sale in the form of cards or posters: You can support Charles by emailing him at
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