Jan. 23, 2025

Open Letter 2025

by Charles Thompson (author's profile)


Charles Thompson
Polunsky #00999306
p.o. box 660400
Dallas, Tx 75266
Online: www.securustech.net


Happy New Years to all & all a prosperous year ahead. This quarter-century mark is a turning point in new Technology, life ahead, and how it's going to be enhanced by AI. It's disturbing still to find commercials advertising, "Have a relationship with your AI phone!" We have a turbulent world full of wars, political adversaries, and the like. Two wars rage on, that could indeed turn into global conflicts. To the World, I say put down the electronic device, speak to an actual human being, talk on that phone instead of talking to it. Try writing somebody a card or letter, after all our postal system is at risk of becoming a thing of the past.

The best aspect of human nature is our civility, our ability to have compassion for others. To think of others, to have humility, or to be selfless. In my own life, I have made leaps and bounds for change. I'm one year into faith-based programs here on Life Row. Having completed anger management, bridges to life, authentic manhood. As the new year starts, I am beginning classes for over-comers (drug & alcohol substance abuse) and voyager (biblical-based course). I so look forward to growing as a human being, I especially want to express my appreciation for the valuable insights taught by the inmate field ministers here. Lastly, to thank the Prison system for the Polunsky radio station, The Tank. Programs for all in all areas of Tx prison system exist. We are all worthy of some redemption. Praying for more changes with eyes wide open for the progressive changes ahead.

Humbly in Awe,
Charles Victor Thompson #00999306
Securus ID #06086759

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GN22 Posted 2 weeks, 3 days ago. ✓ Mailed 2 days, 22 hours ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

I wish you a late Happy New Years as well, and I hope all is good for you.

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