Nov. 13, 2013

New East African Independence Movement

by Robert O. Dinkins (author's profile)


New East Afrikan independence movement declaration and political organization authorized under claims briefly regarding Hong Kong, East Saint Louis IL capitalism, Chinatown, New Afrikan Republic of Detroit MI, the 14th Amendment equal access and protection of the law, international law, ramification and treason. 1985 '3' activated.

The council ramification imperialistic party service SLLC would authorize and influence the New East Afrikan Blue Beret Brigades. The New East Afrikan Blue Beret Brigades would be an international program design to monitor oppressed and poverty related communities, property, residents and community. The New East Afrikan Blue Beret Brigades would invest within international cooperative action which would be protected and occupied by the Blue Beret Brigades.

New East Afrikan Blue Beret Brigades would be responsible for liberating blocs internationally and their goal is to liberate each bloc that declare New East Afrikan independence until entire communities internationally is secured regarding community control action. The council ramification imperialistic party service, SLLC would authorize international resident property as active acting governor and Congress related vanguards and the resident property would be responsible for contracting the New East Afrikan Blue Beret Brigades. The Blue Beret Brigades would serve detective and private investigation action and would participate within New East Afrikan count issues. The New East Afrikan blocs would be within the jurisdiction of New Afrika, under its constitution but would have its own laws and independence similar to California being under the United States Constitution but make 3 strike laws, how East Saint Louis IL uses the title of Saint Louis but is a independent city under another jurisdiction but is a alliance to Saint Louis MO through national security, and how Hong Kong is independent in China. All New East Afrikan blocs and residents would be consolidated and would consist of social action under the influence of the council ramification imperialistic party service. New East Afrikan political belief briefly consist of every race being New East Afrikan that has a similar effect and history as Afrikan Americans and who populated beyond the jurisdiction of East Afrika that has been effected to the point that they are considered as another race. New East Afrikan belief is that New East Afrikans are a part of the original line of civilization which is East Afrika and its physical god was a black wymin, who is responsible for manifesting universal revolutionary progressive evolutional cybculative energy symbols. That is responsible for the growth and development of all nations including 5% and Masons. The council ramification imperialistic party service SLLC would have one owner, one member management and influencer but the social personnel would be vanguard. Afrikans formulated their own different cultures, cooperation, separate jurisdictions under separate democratic centralism and political divisions titled West Afrika, East Afrika, North Afrika and South Afrika.

New Afrika failed to declare the continuing of such a structure and that structure open up the doors for political founders who are concerned about preserving and rotating their true culture. New East Afrikans are considered as new Negroids who originally was the Negroids who was a undeveloped culture and was not forced or grounded by law, government or laced education leaving the doors open for New East Afrikan Negroids to pursue what they never had. New East Afrikan is a nation inside of a nation which is New Afrikan who are entitled to a land inside of a land. The black nationalist groups can be entitled to their president authority within New Afrika but New East Afrika is independent. New East Afrikan is in rotation of political elevation (Kowas) and spiritual New East Afrikanism not religion and submitting to man made laws which is not natural law, natural law is spiritual and universe in nature.

The United States empire is in violation of Farmer v Brennan for giving New Afrikans the 5 belts which was effected by poverty and oppression. The poverty caused violence. New Afrikans was entitled to their original peace and wealth which was invaded with oppressional operations that continue to governor New Afrikans and New Afrikans independence was discriminated against briefly regarding negligence reparation and restitution. The New East Afrikan Blue Beret Brigades would train, educate, issue, assign and authorize less lethal council reinforcement infantry party service branches. New East Afrikan beliefs also briefly consist of, if you separated every single wymin, pass and current flesh from their energy which is universal elements that created the universe, you'll see that the massive energy constitute a small symbolic universe dimension that produce massive universal revolutionary symbolic symbols which reflect the rotation of the universe and their nature is a extension of the universe dimensionally.

New East Afrikan belief is that the original God that manifested itself was manifested within a double dimension female spirit which is and resemble the universe. A child that is manifested within a wymin is given all the elements that created the universe and the wymin birth production system is a universe in nature. Dimensionally wymin is double dimensional because they have two structures that rotate universe elements, which is the mind and their birth system. If you released a man sperm on a table, it will instantly die and it wouldn't have the universal revolutionary symbolic progressive symbol ability and appearance until the wymin install and organize it within her birth system, also titled a universe dimension which symbolically resemble the essence of where and how the original female God energy was manifested. Mathematically this is logical enlightenment. The wymin mind is a spiritual culture and her birth system manifest reality culture, therefore under New East Afrikan spirituality, the wymin is the almighty, love to all sistas, when it comes to your spirit, you have no color! Circulative energy, be on the look out for a artist name Cooling System, a white female rapper that I will collaborate with, she's also a actor. Also be on the lok out for two black actors and artists by the name of Army Gat and Army Weapon and all CDs will be named introducing the Armorgeddon family, 'Shells'.


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