Jan. 27, 2014

Visits On Friday

by Pablo Piña (author's profile)


Pablo Piña, D-28079
D-2 122 SHU
P.O. Box 7500
Crescent City, CA 95531

January 3

Re: Visits on Friday

This morning after they picked up the breakfast trays around 7:30 AM they told us that there is no program today. But then I heard over the intercom that they were running visits.

They usually don't have visits on Fridays except on holidays. But I guess because New Year's just passed, they gave an extension on visiting day to make it a three-day visit.

The visits have been one of the major complains back here in SHU because they were only giving an hour and a half visits twice a week. And as far as this place is, most visitors come a long ways and only get an hour and a half. They also finally are using half the law library as a visiting room. Really, the law library is the D-facility visiting room. It was just converted into the law library because they didn't have a library.

I'm guessing that they're mad because of all the complaints, and so they said, "Okay, we'll run extra visits on Friday. But only visits." No other programs for the rest of us sitting in our cells. In other words, they could only do one or the other. But not both.

The funny part of it is that they don't need all the guards to stay at the visiting room. They just do the escorts. And they do the same on weekends, and we have yard during visits. So why is today any different? There's no reason. Unless they just don't want to run yard.

So all damn day we been sitting in our cells. Unless you were lucky enough to get a visit.


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