Feb. 3, 2014

SHU Syndrome

by Pablo Piña (author's profile)


Pablo Piña D-28079
D-2 122 SHU
P.O. Box 7500
Crescent City, CA 95531

RE: SHU Syndrome

The time in the SHU affects many of us in different ways. Since being in the SHU, I've seen a lot of folks slowly begin to lose their minds.

I remember this one guy who, each morning, he'd start yelling, "Sun's arisin'!" And I used to wonder how the hell does he know that. We're in a damn warehouse, we can't see nothing but brick walls. Yet this guy would yell, "Sun's arisin'!" every day. I used to smile though because he probably thought the sun was out. Or maybe he knew something I didn't.

My neighbor has been talking to himself a lot lately. I can hear him holding a conference with someone over there. He still talks with other inmates who pass his cell and still greets me as I walk by. So he's not completely out of it, but he's still talking to himself. Is it healthy, I don't know. Is it normal, I don't know. I think I heard somewhere that there's nothing wrong with talking to yourself. It's when you hear them talking back to you when there may be a problem. I know some guys read to themselves out loud, but this guy didn't do that before. And it doesn't sound like he's reading. It sounds like he's talking to someone. And he's in the cell by himself.

I told him the other day that I think he may be stressed because he told me he was having chest pains. But when he was checked out, he was told that there was nothing wrong with him. I also talk to him often, just so he can talk about whatever he wants. And hopefully ease some of his stress. I don't think it's serious enough to have him checked out by a doctor. I'm not 100% sure what i'm hearing. But I know I wouldn't be doing what he's doing.


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