Feb. 10, 2014

Daily Journal (Jan. 27-31, 2014)

by Ronald W. Clark, Jr (author's profile)


Daily Journal

Monday January 27, 2014 6:38am

Got up at 4:30, cleaned up, watched the news, ate oatmeal for breakfast. Getting ready to workout doing push ups.

8:21am. Finished working out and it was a good one. Wiped the floor down. If they call us for afternoon rec, I'll go out and do pull ups and dips.

10:16am. Been walking. I also talked to the runner for a few minutes. I found out our yard officer's went across the street to the work camp for a major shake down. They found cellular phones, drugs and tools that shouldn't have been over there, I hope they take us to the rec this afternoon.

11:26am. They just brought lunch. I'm not eating now.

12:09. Just knocked out some push ups. Does not look like we're getting yard today.

1:41pm. Laid down for a bit. Fixing to hook up a stew for my dinner.

3:38pm. Just ate my stew, was pretty good. I'll be glad to get my shower so I can go to sleep. Won't be until after 8pm. I may work out again.

4:55pm. Just got word that Mike Lambrix was put in the closed in security cell P-4102 for writing the Miami Herald and threatening the warden or staff over losing his visits. That's a rough place to be. Also heard Panama was taken to ESP. For some reason.

8:23pm Just got back from the shower. Going to bed. Wasn't a productive day.

Tuesday January 28, 2014.

5:05. Cleaned up, cleaned the floor, ate oatmeal for breakfast. I was told I have a call out to get my prozac renewed at 9am. So, I hope they don't call rec.
No mail last night.

8:10am. Captain just went by. I'm walking until my call out.

10:02am. Got back a few minutes ago. I go back in 90 days to get it renewed again. Heard Mike is now on a hunger strike. I never heard of him doing that before. I was doing sit ups before I left. I'm going to work out now.

11:04am. Just finished a nice little workout, and here comes lunch. I'll put it up and eat later.

11:47am. They called rec for 40wing but not for us. I wanted out of this cell so bad. Guess I'll work out some more this afternoon.

2:22pm Been walking. I was really hoping they would come at the last minute and pull us for rec. Hope to get some good chicken tonight.

4:32pm Just finished eating chicken for dinner. Fixing to wash some clothes and bath.
5:14pm. Canteen just came. Didn't get everything I wanted. Any ways, got to wash clothes and bath.
6:24pm. Going to bed.

Wednesday January 29, 2014

5:30am. Just got up. It's raining outside. I hope they don't call rec. but if they do, I'm going.

7:26am. They called recreation.

11:02am. Just got back in, it was cold, there was a few rain drops. Need to make my lunch and finish a letter I started.

12:25pm. Ate chilli for lunch. Finished two letters and two request slips. Going to have a cup of coffee and then decide what workout to do.

1:56pm. Just finished writing two replies for my blog. Was walking before that.

3:19pm. Finished working out, now watching TMZ. Cooking my fish stew.

4:27pm. Ate my stew, washed a pillow case. Getting ready to wash clothes.

5:23pm. Washed clothes waiting on the shower now.

7:15pm Just got back from shower. Sleep now.

Thursday January 30, 2014

5:36am. Got up at 3:43. Washed and cleaned the cell made the bunk, watched some news. I'm going to eat some oatmeal here in a few minutes and then walk.

9:24am I just finished a monster work out. I didn't really have it in me. I got motivated about half-way through it. North side of the building went to rec this morning. So we should go this afternoon.

11:28am. They called rec. so I'll get out of this cage for a while.

12:05pm. It's 38 degrees outside most guys aren't going out, I doubt 10 of us go out. Guys are already saying their not going.

5:17pm. Just finished bathing and washing clothes, played games of basketball. Came close to getting into a fight. This one ? is an idiot! "I'm fixing to lay back and go to sleep here shortly.

Friday January 31, 2014

7:25am. I'm dragging my feet this morning. I didn't get up until 5:10am. Didn't sleep good last night. I woke up a lot hurting. Now this morning not only my joints hurt from the basketball. I have a sore throat and headache. Feel dizzy. I ate some cereal. I'm going to try to walk this off.

7:53am. Tried walking this off, not so food. Seen the nurse, she's going to send me back a sick call slip. I'm going to do some art work on this bull dog that I'm doing. Hopefully later I can get motivated into working out.

10:02am. Been doing some art, stopped to make me a fish stew. Back to the art work.

11:27am. Stopped to eat. FIxing to go back to this drawing.

1:58pm. Still just working on this art. I feel like crap! My shoulder is hurting as well. I'll be putting in a sick call slip to see the doctor Monday. Head is pounding. I just want to get this piece of art done. May be able to finish it by Tuesday.

3:04pm. Trying to work the pain out of this shoulder. It's seriously hurting. I hope I can workout tomorrow, and the shoulder and or this could doesn't put me down. Wish we showered first tonight so I could go to sleep earlier. I'm still made about that idiot yesterday that I almost got into a fight with, and it was over me trying to prevent him from fighting another guy. Won't do that again. Should have let it happen, maybe he would have killed the moron. Who I think is HIV positive. I need to get back to this piece of art.

4:56pm. Just ate some sardines and peanut butter on saltines. I've been working on this dog picture. I need to wash these clothes and watch some news and wait on the showers which will be 8, 8:30pm.

8:12pm. Waiting on the showers. Should be next in there. Come back I'm going to sleep.

8:50pm. Just got back from the shower. Went over to 4-right. Going to lay down now and call it a day. Hope I feel better in the morning.


Replies (3) Replies feed

CJP Posted 11 years ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I hope that you are feeling better now. Please be careful with your shoulder, we hurt for a reason, it is our body's way of telling us something is wrong. My step-father had a very sore shoulder and after doing an X-Ray it was found that the damage was structural and that exercise was making it worse. Take care.

Ronald W. Clark, Jr Posted 10 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Ronald W. Clark, Jr Posted 10 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

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