Pablo Piña D-28079
D-2 122 SHU
P.O. Box 7500
Crescent City, CA 95531
I can't believe that the jury in Florida could not find a murder conviction in the case of the white individual who shot into a car, killing one kid and wounding several others. They jury found him (Dunn) guilty of three counts of attempted murder but hung on the first degree charge.
See, they are making a lot of excuses as to why he wasn't found guilty. But I can tell you right now if that was anyone else, they would have been found guilty.
It seems that gunning people of color down can be justified by just claiming that it was self-defense. I've read many cases of self-defense, and that was not self-defense. He claimed that the kid told him he was gonna kill him. I truly believe he said that, made it up knowing that white society would believe him. He's never been convicted of a crime, he was a father, and he had a job. Plus, he's white.
On the other hand, the kid was black. So were his friends. They were young, playing loud rap music, and the white guy tells them to turn down the music. Who the hell is he to be telling someone at a fast food place to lower their music? Is he a cop, a security guard? Does he own the property? I think if he'd done that anywhere, he would have been told to go to hell. And that's probably what went down.
Isn't it a coincidence that he just happened to have a gun? Anyone who drives around with a gun is either expecting trouble or looking for it.
But it's a damn shame how the laws seem to get flexible when it comes to white folk killing a person of color. I can't believe there isn't an outrage out there in the free world. I guess it's so common that it's now being accepted as just one of those days.
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