March 28, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

by Kelly Jones (author's profile)


"When we love someone, we're held hostage we love that person, then we, too are lost."

Dear Readers,
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Well, I've been at a loss as to anything since. For the middle of March in North Carolina, the weather had freezing rain & light snow today! Crazy! Turned off the heat in the units so it's freezing & cold weather. At least the daffodils are in bloom.
I think my mail is being fucked with. [cut off] received an empty envelope from my new friend [cut off] know she didn't send an empty envelope. The [cut off] Will in Ohio two weeks ago & he still hasn't [cut off] there's my missing 'Vanity Fair' for this month mailroom twice recently & it appears they're more.
I finally have a "callout" (appointment) tonight. I went to sick call 2 months ago. Ridiculous lump on my chest has at least quadrupled in size. I think it's an infection, but is it really wise to see if some'es chest go & get worse? Couldn't the [cut off] between us are"so-so" at best. I feel certain [cut off] & that he'd dump me in a heartbeat if someone messed around. The one good thing - which absolutely [cutoff] I can kiss him on the mouth. You have no idea how much I miss that after going without it for years.
A new gang came in the unit recently, a [cut off] What a fucking creep! HE's semi-interested in [cut off] had the nerve to suggest I buy him things & [cut off] & his named & number in case I wanted to have you, this guy is no prize in the looks department. He had the nerve to approach me that way. I gave him a telling off & later he apologized.
However! When he apologized he started [cut off] work & how I should read it. (In USP's & gang show your case paperwork so they can find out if you're a child molestor, etc.) I promptly told him I knew about his paperwork. Shortly thereafter he was [cut off] hall with his paperwork & insisted that I check [cut off] kept walking. So, last week he came to my cell and took his paperwork again & insisted that [cut off] off & told him I wasn't "institutionalized" & that [cut off] personality & that he need ed to leave. What a [cut off]


Replies (2) Replies feed

Rita Posted 10 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
Just a small note to you, Kelly.

On the 6th of August George has his paroling!!! I sent a strong letter to Jessica, his lawyer to be read outloud in front of the board of the 15 judges. He needs 8 votes and is free!
Let us hope he succeeds.

Love an take care, Kelly!
x Rita

Kelly Jones Posted 10 years, 5 months ago.   Favorite
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