May 1, 2014

Comment Response

by Kelly Jones (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Untitled thumbnail
(July 20, 2013)


Reply ID: mt7n


Dear Rita,
You have no idea how hard a life this is. And what's insane is that some mindless people think that gays "choose" to be gay. Who would ever "choose" this life? I'm happy being who I am, but you have to be very strong to deal with the constant hatred and prejudice of some people. We're the only minority group that people pass laws against—even in this "first world" country—and congratulate themselves for "doing the right thing."

Things are slowly changing for the better, but it's still a constant struggle. And it's super hard dealing with the ignorant people in prison. In the real world, I lived in large cities and stayed around my people in the gay ghetto (with lots of flowers and sparkles!). In here, I'm thrust amongst people who think all gays should be shot. Lovely.

I really, REALLY wish I could take that dance class with you! It sounds so great and I'm sure I'd love it.

Much love,


Replies (2) Replies feed

Rita Posted 10 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
dear Kelly,

I miss your writings on the blog! ;) I hadn't characters and couldn't write for this.
So I don't know?
How is your spirit nowadays? I don't know if you will get this letter as they say here they'll print it on June 16th.Hope so!!
I am making all ready to leave for the US on Thursday 19th!Always nervous as I can depend only on myself!
Yesterday I got the visit of Elke, Bart and baby Lynn. She laughs a lot! A calm happy little girl! We had a real nice time together! They even slept here for an hour as a siesta. They have long and tirefull days with their jobs! Both doctors in Biology.
We walked to the ecco swim pond nearby and they'll swim one day too.

I had two swims in the green water, purified by plants. It's not that deep, cold and relatively large. Usuallly I do three laps around the borders. 2 ducks swam as well, haha.
When Lynn is older she can play as well in a child's parc there. We did a stroll and enjoyed the air of trees and the smell of fowers!As ou know there is fine dust in our city...
My oldest brother and wife came to visit me; they had done previous a Europe tour and came from Australia.Their third grandchild is on it's way; it is a boy. :)

We still don't know where Leslie and Philip will move??

George wrote typed letters to ask the extended visits as we only got the 4 hrs/day this time...:(
He wrote to three people; hopefully he has succes?

Martine wrote on my mobile phone she'd prefer to not have contact with me anymore... I was shocked! And to not interfere anymore with her contact with you.I did tell her that you and me were worried on her behalf and you told me to contact her.I always made time for her...
How is your cellie Kelly?Is he still in your place?

I am so glad to see George very soon, my fiancee. :))) It took so very long.

Have a nice day! Love, Rita xoxo

Kelly Jones Posted 10 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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