Aug. 6, 2014

People vs.Darlene A. Vargas

by Scot Pinkerton (author's profile)





It's been a long while since I've posted anything, mainly because I haven't really had anything positive to say. Everything's been pure hell. Guards hatin' on me, etc. It's been so bad that I don't even want to relive it by writing about it.

But now--I got the best news I could ever get: There's a case that just got ruled on July 10th, 2014 that says you can only get one strike for one act or "course of action". My strikes came from an armed robbery where I took a gun from somebody and he had 2 friends with him so they called that 3 armed robberies. I've always known that was bullshit, but now the Cal. Supreme Court agrees. All that happened way back in 1984!

So now it's all about filing a writ to correct that crap. This is going to help so many people that were unjustly thrown away by the hated state. They ruined so many lives and families by abusing their so-called authority and the 3 strikes assault on the citizens. I've been down for 15 years and my kids had to grow up without their DAD all because the state wrongfully sentenced me. They knew it was bullshit back in 1999 when they sentenced me, but the "judge" just said I can appeal it.

Now how many people are going to have their life sentences overturned and get out mad at the world? I know what it's like to sit here and stew on the wrongs done to me in the name of "Justice". What I was accused of was nowhere near what actually happened. The victim felt the need to really embellish things to ensure a conviction. That's why the story changed 3 times! But even if it went down exactly like that... an assault w/ a deadly weapon only carries a 4 yr. max. And I know people who have been down longer than me for a lot less. And they're a lot madder than me, too. There's a lot of people plotting a lot of revenge for the injustices done. Oh well. They brought that shit on. Now they'll have to deal with it. Good thing I have such a grip on myself and my pacifist ways!

My family is looking into getting me an attorney to file for me instead of taking the chance of doing it myself or having one of these jailhouse paralegals do it. It really seems like a slam dunk, but as everyone who knows me knows; if it can be fucked up in any way, I'll be the one to do it.

Meanwhile, I now have Level 4 points so I'll be moving up to that pretty soon. And I don't even care. It's actually a relief. When you have Level 4 points, then their "points" mean nothing. It doesn't matter if you get anymore write-ups because there is no Level 5. When I was in CSP-LAC Level 4 in Lancaster most people there made sure to catch a couple write-ups whenever their points dropped too low just so they could stay there. The higher the level you go, the better the people. The serious and the solid are in Level 4s, where there are repercussions for your actions. And that's how it should be. It's frustrating to be in a prison where there are no repercussions. There's a lot of crap walking this line. But let's not get into that. I'm only really concerned with myself at this point. I don't care whatever else happens as long as the courts follow the law and make things right!

Oi Oi


Replies (12) Replies feed

melisssaroman Posted 10 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. Hopefully it won't be long till you get out of there, and never go back!

chamblen Posted 10 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Hi Son! It's Mom! Finally figured out how to get on here. Hope you get my two latest letters in the next couple of days, mailed a few days apart. News from home and from D. Also mailed to the blog message from D, which you should get by the time you get this. Hope you are doing better, prayers going up regularly in that regard. Try to talk to counselor re 19 points ASAP! Very important! I guess D got a couple of letters from Melissa with news of you recently, and I have written him as well. You know the old cat hanging from a ledge poster from the '70s? HANG IN THERE! YOU CAN ONLY GO UP FROM THE BOTTOM LOVE YOU LOTS, MOM

melisssaroman Posted 10 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Miss your phone calls. I don't know what the last letter I sent you was about. Everything is in a jumble again. I'm surviving well, as usual, suffering too. I just knew if I wrote to you on here, right now that you'd get this. Love you always. Get your ass out of prison.

aunthappy Posted 10 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Hi Scot! Ended up not writing down my registration info so had to reregister but finally made it. I'm going to post a couple of blogs for Donnie, though he gets really long-winded, I'm afraid! Got your last letter yesterday and was very disturbed about that moron who keeps dogging you! Man oh Man! Just keep hanging in son, and I'm sure things will eventually change. IHow long do you have to be without phone calls? Donnie keeps asking and you've never said how much additional C-Status you got on that last 115. When you get to where you can have phone visits, I really want to come over so I can see for myself how you are. It won't be easy, but it's better than nothing. Anyway, had Patterson's send over a couple of puzzle books that had been on the shelves for a while and will try to get a difficult Soduko as well. Also bought some stamps yesterday and will send those out to you Monday. Meanwhile, Scotty seems to be doing a little better so that's one less thing for you to worry about. I'm doing fine, started physical therapy for my left hip (bursitis) yesterday and that will be a big plus. Take care, son, and know that I love you with all my heart and I'm praying for you daily. Love and prayers, Mom

aunthappy Posted 10 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Reck: He ro what's up? Its Sept. 5th and all is well here with me. It's a new month so I want to start it off by getting at you. Today is Friday 9:25 am. It's a relax day for me. I will mail this out on Sunday the 7th. Sunday will be my 120 days since we talked. Its went by rather slow. I know there's alot of bulllshit going on there with you and it kills me to know that your very stressed out. It seems like shit fell apart since I left. I wish it wasn't like that bro. The stiuation there needs to improve at all costs or you won't make it here. The 115s are exactly what we don't need. Reck at this point you must get that 19 pts taken off for our plant ot possibly still happen. If you believe that thepoint thing can happen let me know ok. I also need to know a few other things. Did you get 30, 60, 90 days on that 3rd tier? Will you be able to visit with mom in October still? Or is it another year? Mom told me the other day that you will be able to call her again soon. If so that tells me alot. I'm thinking you got a 30 day on the turd tier but again I'm in the dark and I hate that Reck. Please get at Melissa or Mom and answer these couple of q

aunthappy Posted 10 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
questions. Just so I know what's up ok. I gather that your rolling solo there or has anyone rolled up that you kick it with? You have always kept to yourself and I'm guessing you had to adjust not having me around I'm hoping that there's at least 1 good person for you to kick it with. JC works so I don't really know who you F... with. Ow I was denied at the 1st level in Stockton Court concerning my sentencing reduction that Dale done for me. I'm positive Dale knew that yould happen. I sent Mom a copy of my writ and the denial. When you get it shoot it to Dale so he can get my appeal sent to me. I don't know what's up with the time constraints on that or what. I have this 187 so they hate me in Stockton court but Dale knows all that. I believe there is action to be had but probably not till the appeal or most likely at the Cal Supreme level.

aunthappy Posted 10 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
I want you to please hang in there ok. I don't much want to talk about this place due to how bad off you have it there. It pisses me off how bad they treat you there. It's not like that anywhere else Reck. Everything here is on a schedule like clock work. Your not ever treated like dirt here so far 4 months of smooth sailing. I keep wonderwint would it be easier to get endorsed for here quicker from either Corcoran of Delano or do you have to stay there stressed out and just hope that classification allows you to recend your last classification decision and get put up for here. Remember I recended mine and Captains Smith put me up for CMC Alternate CMF.

aunthappy Posted 10 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
keep in mind that there is plenty of room here still. There are buses every week, hardly any whites. It stay's open for intake. That don't seem to change here. Also you might want to consider getting rid of your low bunk chrono. You don't need any living restrictions when it comes to being put up for CMF, you can get a lower easy when you get here. There's mass cells opne always. Remember that it will be a major adjustment period when you leave there but after a minute things will be better Reck. I don't know if you will get put up for here in March or put up for somewhere else again. The bottom line is I truly believe that getting out of there is best for you. Reck I miss you bro. Alot of the time I wish I was there. It was alot of fun to be around my dawg. As good as it is here I don't have a real good dawg. Things will be good again when you get here. I still think you canpull it off regardless of your latest 115!

aunthappy Posted 10 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
You need to know that it's a blessing to be here but a curse due to I left my dawg behind ant it sucks bro. Them splitting us up seems to be more of a struggle on me but I know that it's a matter of time for us to kick it again. It helps for me to send you letters. At the end of Sept. I will order my package. I can't wait. Packages last alot longer here Reck. Everything is so cheap. It's disgusting the prices there. I don't miss that at all bro. So i left in May the 7th. It's September 7th the day I mail th is out, my 4 months have been very interesting. I do exersize every other day now. Pull ups, day off push ups. I'm gettiong in shape here so that's a pluc. I'm gonna let you go for now,it's almost time for afternoon meds. Donnie

aunthappy Posted 10 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
9/7/14: Good afternoon my brother. Today is Sunday so I'm in my pad watching the Raiders lose the 1st game of the season. Amazing that. Today is day 120 and it feels like I've just got here. Basically I don't have enough info to know if Mom will be coming to visit. It's supp[osed to be a green line in what week 2 of October? I will call Mom and find out. If you only have a 30 day C/stat then everything will be a go next month. If everything is good there as far as visiting in October then I'll know you will only get randoms and life will start improving. Everything depends on that lame 115. Reck I will keep focused, I will most likely have a PIA job in a month or so could be sooner. Keep your temper and stress level down regardless of that crap camp. Just write Melisso so I know what's up. I miss you alot Reck. Get at me soon. Love you bro, Donnie E.S.O.V.

Scot Pinkerton Posted 10 years, 5 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

justcallmetab Posted 10 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
I'm praying for you, Scot. I never get a response from you so I have just stepped back. You can get my contact info from Steven. I love you and I miss you so much.


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