Aug. 30, 2014

Health Care

by Ronald W. Clark, Jr (author's profile)


Ronald W. [illegible]
August 17th, 2014
FDOC Health Care

Here in the FDOC, better known as the Florida Department of "Stupidity", we have CORIZON Health Care, Governor Rick Scott's idiotic choice. But Governor Scott's company back in the day, was into medicare fraud, stealing from the tax payers, so maybe Corizon was a good choice, at least for his pocketbook! Not for the inmates who are being treated.
Doctor Aviles, a long time medical doctor here in the FDOC, resigned back in March 2014, because of Corizon's idiotic practices that almost cost Allen Cox his life. Had the senior medical director not been here at [?] that day, Allen Cox would have been sent back to his cell and died. Anthony Washington died back in January 2014. Pacemaker was going bad. Corizon medical ignored the problem, continuing to send Washington back to his cell.
Now I understand it all that more. I've had a wheelchair pass since June 9, 2014. Doctor Lafontant who examined me seen I can't walk. Now here on August 12, or 13, 2014 some Corizon executive, without seeing me, no examination, suspend the wheelchair pass. How stupid can they be?!!! Over-riding a doctor's orders without a 2nd opinion or anything.
Well I don't need to examine the individual who was suspended that pass to tell you they are a bonified certified MORON! Corizon, idiots in action! I heard they have over 600 lawsuits pending against them. Pay the lawyers, court cost, etc, forget the treatment.
Our great governor Rick Scott, he's a class act. Becomes a millionaire, some of which come from medicare fraud, stealing from the tax payers, and then he convinces them to elect him. How dumb can people be? We need [to] drug test the voters of Florida. They are either coming to voting poles drunk and high, or if that's not the case, maybe some IQ testing, for mental retardation is called for! Something's definitely wrong here in Florida. Stupidity running rampant! I've filed a motion for temporary injunction in the first district court Leon County to get the wheelchair back. I've been writing attorneys to try to find help, to push this motion. 'Cause without an attorney, these courts, the constitution, human rights is all a bunch of B.S. These courts are not set up for the poor. How do you think attorneys get rich? Using their skills to manipulate the courts and preying on the poor who might make a few dollars in a law suit. America, inequality, justice for few. Sad, but oh so true.
CORIZON Health is garbage! For with them, it's all about the money. Human suffering, death, is not their concern. So I suffer in excruciating pain while Corizon and Rick Scott steal FDOC health care dollars. Oh well. This is the Fla. Dept. of CORRUPTION.
Regretfully submitted, Ronald W. [?]


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quiotgrrrl Posted 10 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
Hi! I transcribed your post and really liked what you wrote! I completely agree that our health care system is corrupt and unfair- it sounds way worse for you with Corizon. I had no idea that Rick Scott was involved in medicare fraud, that's so infuriating. I hope you get your wheelchair back.

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