Aug. 30, 2014


by Ronald W. Clark, Jr (author's profile)


To: Julie K Brown, Miami Herald

From: Ronald Clark Jr #812974
Union Correctional Institution P-6118
7819 N.W 228t Street
Raiford, Florida, 32026-4460

Date July 21, 2014

Subject: July 26, 2014 ARTICLE, "Prisoner describes gruesome clean up."

I read your article, seen how the inspector General Jeffery Beasley closed the investigation on that June 24, 2014 death of inmate Darren Rainey, only to re-open it due to your investigation.
See attached formal complaint about 944.31 inspectors’ powers and duties dated June 25, 2014, the day before your article came out.
We need this addressed; we need these Inspector Generals and Institutional Inspectors to be independent source
Outside of the influence of the Florida Dept. of "Corruption,"

Inspector General Beasley and his OFFICE are more concerned with "Concealment," protecting the honor and integrity of criminal correctional officers.
This statute was created as a watchdog to protect the inmates within the F.D.O.C.
It has failed because it is not an independent source outside the F.D.O.C. As you can see I have sent this Formal Complaint to the Governor, Senator
Joyner and House Rep Michelle Rehwinkel-Vasilinda, and it's also on my blog.

We need this to change; I'm hoping that you can help me get 944.31 changed.
I'll enclose a memorandum to Heather Robinson and her letter as well as a June 18, Formal Complaint. Where I am trying to get classification revamped because of took place in 2012 to me.

What we really need here is audio and video cameras placed on staff members, this would not only stop the abuse, but it would protect the security of these Institutions.

I hope you will help push the Senate and House for change in 944.31 getting it removed from the F.D.O.C and making it an independent agency.

Thank you for your time and hopefully your help.

From: Ronald Clark Jr #812974
Union Correctional Institution P-6118
7819 N.W 228t Street
Raiford, Florida, 32026-4460


Replies (2) Replies feed

Joy Posted 10 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

Ronald W. Clark, Jr Posted 10 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

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