Oct. 4, 2014

Letter From FDOC

by Ronald W. Clark, Jr (author's profile)


Florida department of corrections

Governer: Rick Scott
Secretary: Micheal D Crew

August 29, 2014

Ronald W. Clark, Jr DC#812974
Union correctional institution
7819 N.228th st.
Raiford,, FL 32026

RE: inmate Clark. Ronald DC#812974

Inmate Clark, I have received a letter forwarded to me by the Department of Health. I in turn requested some information from the Union
Correctional Environmental Health and Safety Officer, Sgt. Diggs. In her investigation of the issues this is what information she was given.

The Captain in Death Row, P dormitory states laundry is picked up Monday-Friday and washed and dried on a daily basis and returned to
The dormitory. On the weekends each inmate keeps his laundry in his cell until Monday. This eliminates the issue of the laundry and mildew.
As far as Your meal trays the captain stated that the trays are examined before issuance and you have the opportunity to bring a tray to the
Attention of staff if there is an issue with it. The Food Service Director also stated the trays are on a weekly cleaning schedule and are
Scrubbed thoroughly before placing into the dishwasher on that day of the week. Captain Jackowski also states he has no additional
Concerns about mosquitoes.

Patricia Perkins
Risk Management Coordinator

cc: file


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loopyloo Posted 9 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years, 7 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

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