Nov. 29, 2014

Comment Response

From Prison Dad by Robert Pezzeca (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Untitled thumbnail
(June 1, 2013)


Reply ID: bp4f
Nov. 1, 2014: 6:30pm: Listening to: Vera By: Pink Floyd

Hi, how are you? I hope good. i got your comment and I just wanted to tell you that my niece destiny, she really had her heart set on a shih-tzu. For a 13 year old who never asks for much, has great grades and is so responsible, just an all around great kid, her parents say she deserved it. I haven't received a picture of the dog but my priest, Father Dan, told me his mom had one before she died and it was a good companion dog. Believe me, I know those little dogs that are always yapping. Justine loved Pomeranians and we have been to the pet stores at many malls while she got to play with the little dogs in the cages. And she always felt so bad for the dogs that she took them dog treats and fed all the ones she played with when the store people weren't looking. I for one would prefer people to go to a shelter and get a dog but that's not for everyone. I was watching the shows the Philly ASPCA do on the Animal Planet channel and it just breaks your heart. Labs are great dogs and they are very loving and great with kids and protective. I would have liked for Destiny to get a larger dog but this is what she wanted so good for her. Anyone else reading this, I urge you to save an animal from a shelter. 4 million dogs are killed every year in this country due to overcrowding and other reasons. If you can't adopt a dog, maybe you can afford to make a donation to help keep the shelter from putting them down.

Anyone who is willing to save an animal, try this new website I read about:

I knew I wrote that down for a reason. My neighbour gets a dog magazine and he lets me read it when he's finished. We tend to mistreat each other so much in life and I am not excluding myself from this. Let's try saving something, just like Bill did with his lab. Well Bill, I jsut wanted to respond to your post. Gotta go and get ready for mass. Father Aron is usually here at 7pm for mass. Take care and God bless. Ciao.


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