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An Example of A Wisconsin D.O.C. Psychologist Deliberately Misdiagnosing A Prisoner As A Psychopath to Justify Denying Treatment for P.T.S.D.
by Nate A. Lindell, created 24 April 2016
When someone with a Ph.D gives an opinion, people tend to believe that opinion, especially when the doctor works for the government. Even more if the opinion appears to be supported by "facts".
Here you'll see, from copies of my psych files, a Ph.D. employed by the W.D.O.C. fraudulently force a psychopath diagnosis on me in order to justify harsh treatment of me and disregard for my P.T.S.D.
The star of this piece is "Dr." Blank, one of Wisconsin's favorite forensic psychologist. She's often called to testify that a sex offender is too dangerous to be released, a defendant is competent to stand trial, and/or that a defendant's "Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity" plea is meritless. Look her up on wicourts.gov. On paper she looks like a respectable person, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse who's doing something good with what could've been a broken life.
But I met Dr. Blank in person, when she interviewed me here at W.S.P.F. who labeled me a psychopath who needed to be punished and denied emotional interactions. Dr. Blank looked like a stereotypical witch - her hair was long, dirty blonde, tinged with gray and looked like she'd not combed it for days; wrinkles cracked her face, and her eyes were hooded, concealing anger and/or fear.
No one told me why she was seeing me. But I assumed it had something to do with my complaint that I had P.T.S.D and it was severe enough that I shouldn't be kept at W.S.P.F. (see e.g., Dr. Randy Gage's 31 March 2006 Clinical Contact note - Appendix A)
Around that time I'd begun writing an autobiography about my childhood, which included severe abuse of all kinds. The recollections were stressing me, especially combined with staff's then calloused if not cruel treatment of all prisoner and especially litigators and essayists like me. The constant threats and insults from Black prisoners who hated white men and months, years with no comrade by me whom I could socialize with took its toll too.
Anyway, Dr. Blank interviewed me twice, and at the end of the second session, she stood up, said "Well, you're a psychopath. Whether you were born one or made one...."
"What?!" I exclaimed, looking at her like she said grass was black. She actually looked a little startled, a little doubtful, said something - but I'd already disacknowledged her existence as a pseudo-psychologist.
Attached as Appendix B is the seven page report she created.
Attached as Appendix C is the Psychopathy Checklist she came up with.
Go ahead and read them. Then read Appendix D, which is the report of a court-appointed psychologist - Dr. Diane Lytton, look her up - which (at 712, p. 8 button II continuing to p.9) briefly reveals the flaws in Dr. Blank's conclusion that I'm a psychopath. Below I give detailed, specific explanations as to how and why Dr. Blank's report and checklist are psychological garbage, and why she'd put such a foul label on me.
1. Dr. Blank's Report
a) Ignored Symptoms of P.T.S.D.: As Dr. Lytton explained in pafe 8 of her report "Much of this individual's behaviors can be viewed as stemming from PTSD, rather than.....the simplistic conclusion he is a psychopath.: E.g.
-Page 2 says there's "No evidence of thought disorder or other indications of psychosis", though in page 1 she noted that I made long speeches that rumbled and lept to barely related topics. Hypervigilance, which is a symptom pf PTSD can cause such pressured speaking, as can bi-polar disorder which I'd been diagnosed with.
-Page 5 says I wasn't responsible "either at home, in school, or on the streets", which are lies (more on this later), then says I threatened my "family" (a lie), "hit his siblings" (a lie except for one time when my brother John, who'd been diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder and had repeatedly slashed himself with knives, thus wasn't allowed to use knives, was holding a steak knife while grinning crazily and sitting next to our sister. I snatched the knife. John angrily tried to hit my head with an iron weight scale, which I sidestopped, then tossed him to the ground - he was bigger than me and a green belt in Aikide - hit him in the ribs a couple of times and told him to stay there til mom came home. When mom came home, although John admitted everything, my mom had me put in juvenile detention "for a violation" from all the madness at home. Previously I'd had to wrestle a cleaver from her after she'd cut her arm and neck open with it and swung it at me).
It's an insult to say I wasn't responsible of the records Dr. Blank reviewed (e.g. my sentencing transcripts and a competency report by Dr. Blank2 - my mom's psychologist - verified I acted as my mom's and brother's psych. nurse - case #97-CF-140, www.co.la-crosse.wi.us), which I suspect blank knew.
-Page 2 goes on to say I "swore at teachers" (I swore at one teacher, "Did you take your pill bitch?") after she asked me in front of the class if I took my Ritolin pill. A doctor saw fit to prescribe me Ritalin because I couldn't concentrate and was quick to blow up - he didn't take into account that at home my mom - who'd sexually and physically abused me as a child - was constantly having mental breakdowns, trying to kill herself, that I couldn't sleep at night because I was listening for the rattle of silverware from mom looking for a knife, which I'd caught her at twice. Maybe PTSD, hypervigilance, made it hard to concentrate at school and made me overreactive to threats, and got in fights. Not only could PTSD cause that, but those are classic behaviors of boys (less so girls) who've been abused, as noted in A Mother's Touch, by Julie A. Brand, M.S.
-Page 5-6 labels my "escape" from work release as a symptom of psychopathy, rather than the action of a desperate young man with no hope in a world that didn't care about me. While I was in jail for disorderly conduct - based on the lies of a woman who worked at a school for troubled kids - new charges for petty thefts my "friend" turned himself and me in for, which ship-wrecked my enlistment with the Navy to be a Nuke Tech. (I scored really high on their tests.) So, I panicked and ran.
-Page 7 deemed the fact that I feel threatened easily, which can lead to me being violent - hypervigilence, a PTSD symptom - as another symptom of psychopathology.
What makes BLANK's sinister view of symptoms of PTSD so offensive is that she's written books on childhood abuse and was abused herself. She knew better! She reviewed Dr. BLANK's files on his treatment of me as an adolescent, which reveal not only that Dr. Blank was a moron (another story), but that my mom canceled my visits with a therapist because of "conflicts" - parents who've abused their kids do that (see A Mother's Touch), because they're afraid the therapist is on to the abuse, which was in fact my case.
Despite Dr. Blank's observation of PTSD symptoms (Appendix A), BLANK gave no consideration of that diagnosis or its implication on my behavior.
b) Salter Revealed Prejudice Towards Me
-Page 1 has Salter saying my possible hallucinations were "typical of malingering", when they are also typical of those in long-term solitary confinement. "Psychiatric Effects of Solitary Confinement" Stuart Grassian, M.D. (look it up).
-Page 3 says I make "multiple excuses" for poor behavior, but what I did was answer her questions about why I did things.I guess I should've said "I don't know". She says "his excuses lack credibility", but records verify my statements.
-Page 4 says because I saw A Time To Kill before committing murder that I was "callous". Obviously she's ignorant of that movie, and - what's the normal, non-callous thing to do before you go and kill someone?! She criticizes "my acceptance of violence" - well, it was inflicted on me since birth, part of daily life as a teen living with my mom - I'm not supposed to get used to it?! Maybe I felt extreme regard for the kids I believed the guy I killed had porn photos of?
-Page 4 also considers my reference to my mom as a "biker whore". What do you call someone who has sex with bikers for drugs? A biker "prostitute"? A biker "escort"? She fucked a guy I was in jail with (BLANK - look up LaCrosse Municipal Citation #M750222, Case #97-55794, it's attached report, then the statement BLANK made to the DA, Scott Horne.)
Among other sick things my mom did, she denied us all contact with her brothers, sisters and parents, claiming they were part of a child-molesting and sacrificing cult. Those relatives only found out where I was when my homicide case hit the news. Mom threatened to disown me if I didn't sever all ties with them, which I refused, then she proved her word...
-Page 5 Slater acknowledges my mom overdosed on heroin (cocaine too, but disacknowledged) then overlooks how that impacted me and my mental health.
BLANK clearly saw everything as a symptom of psychopathy and didn't see anything that undermined that "diagnosis".
And there's more. Page 2 says I assaulted a kid at age 13, leaving out that he ran up to me while I was delivering papers, got in my face and yelled "Spic-Spic, go home!" over and over. (I didn't even know what a spic was and told him so. When he kept at it, I kicked him in the face). The toilet I set on fire, I was high, thought I put it out - it wasn't malicious.
Page 5 criticizes me skipping classes cuz I thought they were a waste of my time. Look at my August 2012 post "A Genius Behind Bars....And?" - my IQ is at least 144. The classes did bore me.
Page 7 criticizes me for having no friends. Well, how am I to make friends from a supermax cell? Every time I got cool with a white guy - the blacks and latinos were hostile towards me because I was white and wouldn't be their bitch. Staff moved them away. Salter lied about me never having "close relationships": I had a girlfriend who agreed to marry me if I won my appeal (she split when I lost); my female trial attorney was a close friend who visited and wrote me. BLANK and BLANK were close friends when I was a teen; BLANK was my girlfriend when I was in high-school - but it was hard for me to be outgoing, as I feared I'd be rejected when kids saw how fucked up my home was.
c) Weird Misstatements
Page 3 uses my response to BLANKS question about what the murder was like against me; "it was like hitting a piece of coconut". That's what it reminded me of.
Page 4, when referring to my theft of chips - "at the time I thought it was real cool" - she left out that I finished "but later I realized how stupid it was". She goes on to falsely say I didn't regret the murder - I told her " I wish I didn't do it but what's done cannot be undone".
Page 6 - the first paragraph makes no sense, it was not an accurate quote from me.
It's just plain weird when she says in page 2 that tried to kill myself with a "stapler", and in page 5 where she misquotes me as saying "I got a really high school and they said you're really smart". I said "score", and was referring to a military intelligence test, which was high enough that the Navy designated me to study for Nuclear Tech. Also in page 5, when referring to my siblings being hit by me, she left out that the one she's turning into sibling 2 was mentally ill, holding a knife and tried to bash my head in.
Page 6 says I told her I "dropped a drug dealer in K.C." when I "robbed" him. I shoulda "dropped him", hate drug dealers!
d) Outright Lies
Page 5 the "records" suggest.... Mr. Lindeu was not being responsible either at home, in school, or on the streets". At times, when shit seemed hopeless, yes. But in many ways this is a lie.
Page 6 lied about me never having any "close, personal relationships".
Page 7 lies when it says there's no known treatment for psychopathy, as noted in page 8 of Dr. BLANKS report.
I could go on and on, and did in an objection to BLANKS report, which I sent to the Psych. Dept. here after seeing Salter's report explaining exactly why and how the report was basically libel.
"Why would they misdiagnose someone as a psychopath and ignore evidence of PTSD"? BLANK reveals that at the end of her report, where she prescribes no emotional interactions with me and harsh response to any misconduct.
That is not the first time a psychologist recommended harsh treatment. BLANK Ed,D., WI License #1741 said as much in a 1996 court-ordered psych. eval.
It seems that the get-tough (and stupid cause it hasn't worked) on crime element within the judicial system has supporters within the psychology community. No doubt that element helped justify the emotionally harsh, abusive, and physically brutal conditions that once existed here at WSPF, which aggravated my PTSD.
BLANKS lies, disregard for my obvious PTSD, lack of remorse for the misery she was helping heap on me, etc. etc. Support a diagnosis that she's a psychopath. But she deluded herself into thinking I'm the psycho, so she's not, nor are prisoncrats.
I was gonna go on about how the PCL-R Checklist is also 90% bullshit, but you can figure that out from what I explained above.
All of my psych files, all of my prison files period - both B.O.P and WDDC - are available to any researchers, journalists, attorneys, or homeless people. I wrote the BOP and records department staff here and advised them that I waive all confidentiality. So you can request and review the objection to the PCL-R checklist that Salter came up with.
I've been locked up, abused by staff and threatened by inmates for over 18 years. Yes, I am capable of violence, even murder, if necessary. But the system made me, after letting my twisted mom begin the process. Pardon me, but I don't feel guilty about surviving, nor do I pity the retribution my oppressors encounter after all, they diagnosed me...
Nate A. Lindell #303724
WSPF PO Box 9900
Boscobel, WI 53805-9900
Feel free to share this information with other psychologists, students, journalists, etc.
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Not done yet but should have it wrapped up tomorrow. Looking forward to reading more!