Aug. 11, 2016

Comment Response

From Write or Die by Byron Wilson (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Untitled thumbnail
(June 10, 2016)


Reply ID: vrgt

Hello. You and your husband are so on point. So if all of mankind originated on the African continent, then we are all family. :) I must shamefully admit that I'm a former idiot that got caught up in all of the racist venom that my elders taught me. I'm even more proud that I'm a member of a generation that is now teaching by my example, that discrimination is foul, no matter who is doing it (direct and simple).

Also, I think the new teaching that black kids need better schools to not be killed by police, or need to dress different, or not be poor, is super wrong and deflects the reality that the conversation need not be about black kids. It needs to be about cops talking to cops about stop killing black kids.

People rush to make laws about gun control and can't even control the guns that law enforcement officers carry every day. Another deflector.

Attacking the gun people is so unfair and Hilary Clinton made it very clear she ain't going to repeal the 2nd Amendment. People teach prisoners to never blame the victim; this should also be taught to police of all racial backgrounds because it's not just the white cops that have been killing inner city youth since like, forever.

The conversation about race in the USA happened already and, with the Bill of Rights movement gains, my generation should not need to have that conversation all over again. Unless we all wake up and realize that the laws which governs the civil rights equally to all of Americans doesn't apply to inner city youth, because nobody is enforcing the law on behalf of our young people.

So, although I want you to experience change in your lifetime, that change will only become a reality when our young people know that people like you and your husband still exist in this country. Because you are the change that others need to experience, and I'm so glad that you are on the solution based oriented side of the conversation.
—Xzyzst (exist)


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