Dec. 21, 2016

Nate's News, 5 December 2016

From Prometheus Writes! by Nathaniel Lindell (author's profile)


Nate's News, 5 December 2016
by Nate A. Lindell
[drawing of hands holding bars with a butterfly in front]
Hello Beautiful People (& those Marilyn Manso rapid)
Here's what I've been up to:
1) Connected with the head astrosomethingist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Observatory. Another super ner, good dude too. He's helping me with the cosmology aspect of my critique of A Case for a Creator, although he's a practicing Jew. Curiously, we have the same moral/ethical conclusions, even though I'm an Atheist.
2) I'm behind a massive push to get WI prison officials indicted for illegally taking our money, for criminal court fees we've already paid or that don't even exist (e.g. I'm being obliged to pay $38 in restitution for Case No. 97-CF-140, when the court specifically refused to order restitution!). We're pushing for racketeering charges, as it's being done to tens of thousands of prisoners. Insane, but true.
3) My best friend, Archelle, finally set up my Instagram page. Like this blog, it's PrometheusWrites. Check it out. Lotta stuff will be on there not allowed on here... two poetry books, horror stories, etc.
4) People, if you're able to, step up & order me some paper and postage paid envelopes so I can blog, write newspapers & other activism. Anyone, even those overseas, can order me paper & envelopes from:
Item #s 8039 (5-pack envelopes) & 4304 (typing paper). Archelle has helped me, but she not wealthy & I feel shitty leaning on her.
5) I'm back to writing my autobiography, after I finished illuminating a poetry book (Em Daer, Vol. 1) & some bad-ass art, which you can see on, & which Arche;;e will soon put on
*Thank you!!! to all of you who transcribed or shared my posts, etc.* Helps get the truth about prison out! There's two new posts behind this one!
6) If I said everything else I'm doing or have planned to do you'd think I was manic, But, if you want to make actual changes (for the better) in WI's prison system, give me a holler, if you want to handle one project.

Now a little about my life in here. It's pretty nuts. The only two guys I speak with (mostly one, the litigator) are Black. One White guy I thought I was cool with (a Muslim, accused, justifiably, of organizing jihadist shit, which I didn't see eye to eye with him on) got all pissy when I press him to put some work in & write a newspaper about prison conditions; he started shouting lies, which others know are lies, like that I was lying about winning a suit that got a guy out of solitary confinement, just trying to shit on me. The other White guy I was rotating with, whom I was helping with a lawsuit, up & disrespected another guy (White, but Mexicanized) for no reason, which I won't condone, so I don't talk with that White guy: disrespect disrupts the solidarity we need in here to protect ourselves from the cowardly, bullying, administration, which seeks to degrade us all.
Everyone else on the tier (range is morally insane, mentally ill, or not respectful, so I don't deal with them. It requires some intelligence to know that treating other people with respect will generally be good for you; it's better to have friends than enemies.
There are multiple young, obviously fatherless (a father would have showed these guys how to ca time men, a good father anyway) Black guys here from the inner city who yell & argue with each other all day, and at night. One, who previously seemed to act right, told me they're doing that to irk staff, which disrespects prisoners too - it's as stupid as smearing shit on your wall to protest mistreatment; all it does is justify staff's view that we're subhuman, unworthy of humane treatment
That's it for now.Thanks for your support! Nate.


Replies (2) Replies feed

Sobriquett Posted 8 years ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years ago   Favorite
Hello Nathaniel,

I consider myself a movie buff & when I saw your favorite books were "Wurthering Heights" and "Papillon" you pique my curiosity.

Although I haven't read the books, the movies are Great. ( Reading & comprehension are difficult for me as I am dyslexic) Although I have read some, "Of Mice & Men", "Lord of the Fly's", "To Kill a Mocking Bird". The must reads in school.

As I am dyslexic my brain has compensated in other ways. I have an unbelievable memory. I have so much useless information stored up in my noodle it's nuts! .. No one will watch Jeopardy with be.

If you care to correspond and discuss a wide array of subjects I'll do my best.

About Me:

52 yrs old
Lives in WI

Nathaniel Lindell Posted 7 years, 12 months ago.   Favorite
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