Food For Thought
December 11, 2016
I was reading a book called The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander when I came across a statement that intrigued me:
"What is key to America's understanding of class is the persistent belief—despite all evidence to the contrary—that anyone, with proper discipline and drive, can move from a lower class to a higher class."
This statement grabbed my attention because I was one of those people who naively believed this idea that one could achieve anything he/she puts their mind to when, in all reality, this idea is a mythical notion that minorities tell our children. What's complex about this is, although many minorities are born into an American, that has well established systems designed to prevent them or make it extremely difficult to succeed, we still cannot tell our children they cannot achieve their dreams. So my questions is: what do we tell the 10-year old who wants to be a doctor but is living in poverty and is behind in school because he/she attends a poor educational system?
Perrie Thompson
2023 sep 14
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Replies (3)
Perrie its michelle I used to write to you a couple of years ago but then I had the schitzophrenic breakdown and got depressed and stopped communicating with anyone. If you want I would like to write to you again as a friend but I'm trying to put your new address in letterquick and its asking for other details the 3 reuired fields are Yard(CEN) Building (CEN) and Bed Assignment (CEN). I have no money at the moment to go to the post office cos I broke my bank card I done it deliberately so I can stop buying cigerettes and also fast lol :-) I have no will power and I have to give up and dedicate my life to Jesus. I hope you are not reading that book I sent its not true they say Jesus is not coming again but He is its in the book of revelations in the bible whats gonna happen I was deceived so badly and Imn sorry I shared it with you. Hope your doing ok if I don't see your details updated on here I will try to write in a week or two when I get a new bank card via the post. if you want to write to me my address is flat c, 66 Guilford avenue, Surbiton, surrey, KT5 8DQ. I still want the letter quick thing cos then I can send you some envelopes and its a lot easier for me than going to the post office and its good for you cos the letters get there quicker. take care love michelle x.
Happy pagan New Year 2023 on the Gregorian calander. In two or three months it's the true new year according to the Biblical Hebrew Calander.
I don't have much time to write so I will just say I hope and pray you are doing well and that you are seeking our Saviour the black Christ with all your heart and soul so that you will be ready if He returns this year to take His precious saints on the rapture while the wraft of the Lamb falls on the ungodly and the great tribulation begins on earth.
I have great news I have been completely born again. It was about 10 weeks ago I heard Him say clear as a bell that I am His beloved child and my name is written in the book of life.
I will write on here again soon. Glad to hear from you bro take care.
sending love hugs and prayers from sister Michelle and a meow from my new kitten comrade Whitepaw who protects me he is in my dreams and we often battle the demons together.
Yah bless and keep you and your family and bring peace prosperity and freedom in 2023.