21 January 2015
HCOPL 19 Aug 71
Scientology in Prisons Pilot Program
Program data: The US has the largest prison population in the world with 3.1% of the US population (almost 2.3 million people) currently in prison. In US prisons, if a prisoner requests help to do a specific religion, the prison Chaplain must help facilitate this and they are not allowed to discriminate against any religion. If just 1% of the prison population were doing Scientology that would be 23,000 Scientologists every week on a service who would then have the tech to be able to apply towards a better, ethical life once released from prison.
I'm a long term SO Vet currently posted at Bridge. On previous posts I have done a number of community relation activities. Recently I was routed letters from 5 different prisoners who requested help doing Scientology while in prison. I first tried to route them onto Crimanon lines but had trouble getting serviced and realized these people wanted all of LRH tech, not a secular TWTH program for rehab.
Books and materials have been sent and I have continued correspondence with these prisoners -- sometimes going up on libs days to visit them. This has resulted in one Scientology study group in San Quinten formed and another that wants to organize.
Scientology pioneer Ben Hassel has teamed up with me and is interested in also doing this project.
The purpose of this program is to pilot out implementing straight Scientology (study groups, Self Analysis co-audits, etc.) in 2 prisons -- Mule Creek State Prison and San Quentin. The idea is to work out the lines and steps in these two prisons in advance of a broader program to make Scientology available in prisons across the whole of California and eventually the US.
The pilots in each prison would be run concurrently with each other.
2. Get any VMs in the local area around each prison to help with delivery and logistics.
3. Get vendors who sell into prisons to put Scientology materials into their catalogs so they are broadly available.
4. Document actions, lines, logs and resources needed to start a Scientology group in a prison.
5. Once the pilot targets are completed write up what was found and use this to propose broad scale implementation in California.
Mule Creek State Prison Pilot:
6. Get a pilot study group established at Mule Creek State Prison, just outside of Sacramento.
7. Send some additional TWTH booklets to the group in Mule Creek State Prison so they can start their group immediately.
8. Get additional DVDs sent to the group to fulfil current requests.
9. If possible, tour the protestant Chaplain at Mule Creek through A Scn Church either in LA or in SAC. Otherwise get them an understanding of Scientology using the Scientology.org website and VolunteerMinister.org website.
11. Travel there and talk to the Scientology group. Get reality from the inside on delivery potential, logistics bugs and what the prisoners themselves want to do with Scientology. Sort out any bugs on doing Self Analysis as a main line of processing for them.
12. While there get them started on doing Self Analysis.
13. Based on the tour of the prison work out what materials are needed/wanted to expand delivery.
14. Collect the materials needed for this delivery and get them sent to the leaders of the group with instructions.
15. Get interested inmates started on extension courses at LAO.
16. Promote for and collect success stories from the inmates based on what they have so far done.
GOALS: To establish SPO within DOC via RLUIPA, toward developing A-R-C + U of Scn. Tech.
PURPOSE: Duplicative SPO's: Develop curriculum and acquire materials, e.g. DVD's, CD's, Textbooks, and Handbooks with firm lend-return policy securing group material.
PLANS: Acknowledge Ability of Responsibility with floortime presentations, (WINS), demonstrations by any student/member at their respective gradient.
PROGRAMS: Develop group cohesion with gradient tech. beginning with prerequisite BSM/LSFL course Followed by Scn. Handbooklet by topic, "Practical Exercise", with or without corresponding textbook, (listed by gradient). TR pairing, PE course, LIC is, etc.; DVD viewing, Extension courses.
PROJECTS: 1-Understand what is expected in study material.
2-Demonstration's in group, i.e. floortime presentations.
3-WIN cognitions-applicability in life.
ORDERS: Nurture personal WIN's per individual gradient in accord with KSW.
IDEAL SCENES: SPO group of self-determined students demonstrating ARC understanding of Scn. Tech. applications at each individuals gradient, producing WIN reports PR.
STATISTICS: Exponential growth in number of SPO students demonstrating practical knowledge, substantiated by WIN reports and in-group demo's, PE/LIC/Extention course completions.
VALUABLE FINAL PRODUCTS: Responsible, self-determined PT asset in Dynamic Exchange with optimum ARCU.
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