Ronald W. Clark Jr.
August 24, 2017
DEATH ROW syndrome
I've read a little about it, but I'm living it, and experiencing it every single day! yes it plays with my sanity,and the stupid stuff that goes on here at Union Correctional Institution (UCI) well it surely doesn't help. Let me walk you through some of it.
It's bad enough that you're under the daily strain of being sentenced to death. Oh no - that's not good enough! Confine them to a 9 X 7... 63 square foot cage so they can sit around and think about dying for the next two or three decades! That's still not good enough. No the cage is 100 degrees and now we're going to call daily inspections, requiring the inmate to put up all of his property, stop what he's doing, exercising, art, letters, legal work, and require them to sit around in Class A uniforms for several hours waiting on this nonsense to be over with. I say nonsense cause that's exactly what it is!! Someone up top, thought they were smart, keyword thought and implemented on site inspection, which isn't governed by Chapter 33 - Florida Administrative codes, or statute. To implement a moronic rule like this, it's required to go through the rule making authority F.S 120.54 rule making. Yeah - I understand why Mark Asay is ready to die and leave this hell hole behind! The sentence, the cage, and the stupidity that the people in the upper echelons of the FDOC heap upon us. I sit here all the time with the thought of, my God please give them some much needed common sense! Very few people have both - book smarts combined with that much needed common sense. I spoke with Warden Jordan and Assistant Regional Director John Palmer about this on Monday July 24, 2017. They agreed we would only have to get in these uniforms when the official visitors were coming on to the wing. Left hand doesn't inform the right hand of what's going on, a simple memo would solve the problem. Why?! Why?! Why not just leave well enough alone? Why bring more chaotic non-sense into our already stressed out world. This place is resistant to change what's needed, more out of cell time! We're supposed to get 6 hours. Keyword supposed to, yes 33-601.830 section (7) (j) requires a minimum of 6 hours. Well last week only received 3 hours, I'll give them that, there was an emergency lock down. Week before that August 7 through the 11 I got one rec period for 2 hours and 23 minutes. Week before that, one rec for 3 hours. It's a joke, and when I complain, oh lord staff gets bent out of shape. They can't jump on us, but I've had them try to stir up trouble between other inmates and I. Nothing's changed! Nothing! "I need out of this cage!" For this cage plays daily with my sanity! "I can't stand this cage!" And I can't begin to make you fully understand what it's like. To live and relive a day that continues to repeat itself, with the same mundane hell! Yes I understand why catfish prefers death and heaven, over this hellish cage that we're held in. Yes I understand. I still don't like it, but I do understand it. May God have mercy, for these people don't. This is hell on earth, the Devil's din, and I pray you never experience it. God bless you all, even the haters, I pray for y'all, for you know not what you do.
In Peace Love & Mercy
Ronald W. Clark Jr
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