Oct. 16, 2017

The Vent 2.0 Edition

From Write or Die by Byron Wilson (author's profile)


File@: PapyrusCollectiveGroup


VENT - to give vigorous or emotional expression to, or opportunity, or way of escape, or passage, or relief of pressure, to cause fresh air to circulate, so as to replace foul air.

Welcome to the second issue of THE VENT, yeah, with all systems powered up at 2.0. Now, just a few words before we get started.

Our editor, Piankhi, as most of us already know, has been dropping WRITE OR DIE ZINES (WODZ), for 8 years, yeah seriously, 8 years of layouts, designing, assimilations, hustling content, and contributions for production and distribution.

With limited to no resources, Piankhi has provided WODZ readers, and Papyrus Collective Group Bloggers @Betweenthebars.org/group/papyruscollective, full exclusive and unedited access to the youngest and largest condemned population in the United States of America. And for 8 years of his work from inside California Death Row, Piankhi has never asked anyone for one dime.

Y'all already know the business. The state of the struggle requires that wherever you are right now, to get active in our micro-fundraiser for the support for independent publishing, and the prisoner zine vision of this wise young man by picking up your gadgets right now, and go to Jpay.com, and rush a donation of any amount to:

Byron P. Wilson #P.76622
San Quentin State Prison
San Quentin, California 94974

And thank you for your support,
Sniper Azande Xzyzot (Master of Ceremonies)

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Replies (2) Replies feed

Ash74Moneyy Posted 7 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 7 years, 3 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

Julia Posted 7 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 7 years, 3 months ago   Favorite

VENT - to give vigorous or emotional expression to, or opportunity, or way of escape, or passage, or relief of pressure, to cause fresh air to circulate, so as to replace foul air.

Welcome to the second issue of THE VENT, yeah, with all systems powered up at 2.0. Now, just a few words before we get started.

Our editor, Piankhi, as most of us already know, has been dropping WRITE OR DIE ZINES (WODZ), for 8 years, yeah seriously, 8 years of layouts, designing, assimilations, hustling content, and contributions for production and distribution.

With limited to no resources, Piankhi has provided WODZ readers, and Papyrus Collective Group Bloggers @Betweenthebars.org/group/papyruscollective, full exclusive and unedited access to the youngest and largest condemned population in the United States of America. And for 8 years of his work from inside California Death Row, Piankhi has never asked anyone for one dime.

Y'all already know the business. The state of the struggle requires that wherever you are right now, to get active in our micro-fundraiser for the support for independent publishing, and the prisoner zine vision of this wise young man by picking up your gadgets right now, and go to Jpay.com, and rush a donation of any amount to:

Byron P. Wilson #P.76622
San Quentin State Prison
San Quentin, California 94974

And thank you for your support,
Sniper Azande Xzyzot (Master of Ceremonies)

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