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If you're into the unfiltered inner city rap echoing through the heat vents of the heartless catacombs of thy nation's death row dungeons, this is a scathing place to start! Curious about how it feels to have your father murdered by the cops? Wonder what life is like on death row because you refused to be a snitch? Check out their take on the Black Lives Matter movement! I'll tell you what! I am a regular guest on the podcast New American Dream, put out by Revolution Radio. I'm a sort of "voice of the prisoner." Every 3rd Thursday night at 7:45, I do my thing. For the next piece, I'm going to read selections from these two terrific zines.
There is wonderful artwork woven throughout both zines, many of it in color. Unfortunately, I can't afford to publish in color, but you'll catch their drift. To order these zines and a catalog listing all the others available, write me at:
South Chicago ABC Zine Distro / P.O. Box 721 / Homewood, IL 60430
Right On, Brothers! With Love, @nthony