Nov. 15, 2011

Can You Imagine?

by Reggie West (author's profile)


[Drawing of a rose and a crying eye.]

Can You Imagine?

Can you imagine living in a place or
an environment where absolutely no one
cares about you?

Can you imagine living in a place where you're
merely a number?

Can you imagine growing old and gray all by yourself
without a single friend or companion?

Can you imagine slowly rotting away in a lonely cell?

Can you imagine time going by and no one ever
remembers you existed?

Can you imagine Christmas, Thanksgiving, and New
Year's passing without no one even bothering to mention
your name during the holidays?

Can you imagine living miserably until you are 70,
80, or even 90 years old when all of your family has
long been dead?

I don't want to imagine any of this either. I'm only
29, but it's impossible not to when you're doing life
in prison without the chance of parole...

S.C.I. Greene, PA
Solitary Confinement


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