April 10, 2018
by William Goehler (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Human Services thumbnail
Human Services
(March 14, 2018)


[image: emblem ring around three rabbits/hairs]
–– Reply: bvtg ––

Thanks for dropping in BetweenTheBars to acknowledge "HELP" – isn't always helpful.
I wonder if anyone has done a study on how many of the Mass-Killers were under doctors care at some point – being "helped" by a psych, perscribing psychotropics?

You should read a history book to understand what's going on with LBJ's Great [sic] Society, an dthe lengths required to put it in check: PSYCHIATRISTS - THE ARCHITECTS OF HORROR (ISBN: 0-9648909-1-1) from Freedom Publishing, 6331 Hollywood Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90028. Consider the Yiddish tentacles involved, and then you'll glimpse the fabled Hydra phenomena. Heracles himself couldn't defeat that beast without his nephew lalaüs, pitching in to scorch the tentacles of each severed head!
Tell me Sig... what do you know of the 12 labors of Heracles? labors of atonement they be!

This Frigg's tag I pulled Elhaz - then Eiwas runes, at my Ostara blot. Imagine that! At-one-ment, at last. Now what???

Be blessed
[image: doodle that looks like a W above an infinity symbol which is above a smiley face with closed eyes and a small heart to the left of the face below the infinity symbol]

Ive just rec'd Viking lesson on symbolism noting Elhaz and ~ "The Golden Stag". Wow! The synchronicity is so confirming... and life affirming! I'm blessed.

[Start of document]
CDCR 602 (REV. 08/09)

Side 1

[image: two side-by-side boxes on the document. The left box has "IAB USE ONLY" printed in top righthand corner.
Right box has text:
"Institution/Parole Region: __MCSP-A-__ Log #: __17-04046__ Category: _6_

You may appeal any California Department of Correction and Rehabilitation (CDCR) decision, action, condition, policy or regulation that has a material adverse effect upon your welfare and for which there is no other prescribed method of departmental review/remedy available. See California Code of Regulations, Title 15, (CCR) Section 3084.1. You must send this appeal and any supporting documents to the Appeals Coordinator (AC) within 30 calendar days of the event that lead to the filing of this appeal. If additional space is needed, only [underlined text: one] CDCR Form 602-A will be accepted. Refer to CCR 3084 for further guidance with the appeals process. No reprisals will be taken for using the appeal process.

[Bolded line of text] Appeal is subject to rejection if one row of text per line is exceeded. WRITE, PRINT, or TYPE CLEARLY in black or blue ink.
Name (Last, First): GOEHLER, WILLIAM CDC Number: K77832 Unit/Cell Number: A2/223 Assignment: LAND SCAPING
State briefly the subject of your appeal (Example: damaged TV, job removal, etc.): CCR15, §3450 C-FILE AMENDMENT
[Bolded line of text] A. Explain your issue (If you need more space, use Section A of the CDCR 602-A): [end of bolded text] PER CCR 15 §3084.1 AND §3450 (a)(a)(b), THE ATTACHED COMMENDATIONS WERE REFUSED BY CASE RECORDS, WHICH SHOW REHABILITATION SERVICE AND OFFICIAL EFFORT OF SCIENTOLOGY TO ACKNOWLEDGE APPELCANTS EFFORT OF SERVICE.
[Bolded line of text] B. Action requested (If you need more space, use Section B of the CDCR 602-A): [end of bolded text] SCAN THE ATTACHED COMMENDATION AND ACCOMPANYING TESTIMONIALS DOCUMENTING THE REHABILITATION SERVICE OF APPELCANT, INTO APPELCANT CASE FILE. SEE CDCR 22 (8-8-17)

[Bolded line of text] Supporting Documents: Refer to CCR 3084.3.
[checked box] Yes, I have attached supporting documents.
List supporting documents attached (e.g., CDC 1083, Inmate Property Inventory; CDC 128-G, Classification Chrono):
[unchecked box] No, I have not attached any supporting documents. Reason: _________
[Bolded line of text] Inmate/Parolee Signature: [signature on the line] Date Submitted: 10/20/17
[uninitialed box] [Bolded line of text]By placing my initials in this box, I waive my right to receive an interview.

[Box vertically stamped "STATE USE ONLY" includes three dates ("2017 OCT 23 AM 10 01", "2017 NOV 13 AM 10 02", and 201? JSN 11 AM 9 42) stamped inside the box]

[Bolded line of text] C. First Level - Staff Use Only Staff - Check One: Is CDCR 602-A Attached? [unchecked box] Yes [checked box] No
This appeal has been:
[unchecked box] Bypassed at the First Level of Review. Go to Section E.
[checked box] Rejected (See attached letter for instruction) Date: R7 11/8/17 ty Date:____ Date:____ Date:____
[unchecked box] Cancelled (See attached letter) Date:____
[checked box] Accepted at the First Level of Review.
Assigned to: ?W | FACOtC (Records) Title: - Date Assigned: 11/21/17 Date Due: [crossed out] 12/28/17 [replaced with] 1/11/18
First Level Responder: Complete a First Level response. Include Interviewer's name, title, interview date, location, and complete the section below.
Date of Interview: M? Interview Location: –––
Your appeal issue is: [unchecked box] Granted [checked box] Granted in Part [unchecked box] Denied [unchecked box] Other:____
See attached letter. If dissatisfied with First Level response, complete Section D.
Interviewer: L.Lamb ?? Title: CER? Signature: [signature on line] Date completed: 1/5/18
Reviewer: HOLMES Title: AW Signature: [signature on line]
Date received by AC: ––

AC Use Only
Date mailed/delivered to appellant 1/5/18
[End of document]
[note at bottom of document] Every hurdle is merely another rung on the ladder of worthiness FTW

[Start of page from "The Creeds and Codes of Scientology]
We of the Church believe:

[Left column of text]
That all men of whatever race, color or creed were created with equal rights;
That all men have inalienable rights to their own religious practices and their performance;
That all men have inalienable rights to their own lives;
That all men have inalienable rights to their sanity;
That all men have inalienable rights to conceive, choose, assist or support their own organizations, churches and governments;
That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others;
That all men have inalienable rights to the creation of their own kind;
That the souls of men have the rights of men;

[Right column of text]
That the study of the mind and the healing mentally caused ills should not be alienated from religion or condoned in nonreligious fields;
And that no agency less than God has the power to suspend or set aside these rights, overtly or covertly.
And we of the Church believe:
That man is basically good;
That he is seeking to survive;
That his survival depends upon himself and upon his fellows and his attainment of brotherhood with the universe.
And we of the Church believe that the laws of God forbid man:
To destroy his own kind;
To destroy the sanity of another;
To destroy or enslave another's soul;
To destroy or reduce the survival of one's companions or one's group.
And we of the Church believe that the spirit can ve saved and that the spirit alone may save or heal the body.

[page number "619" printed in a box in the bottom right-hand corner]


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